The Beach

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Mom started opening the books she had ordered for homeschooling.

It wasn't much, but at least I'll be getting sort of an education.

"So, Emma, how would you correct this sentence?"

I turned the book around to face me and took the pencil out of her hand.

I read it out loud, "While going to the store amy bought the wrong dog and it's collar home"

I told her, "Comma after store, capitalize Amy, omit the apostrophe on it's, and a period at the end."

After studying English, mom made me go ofter math, history, science, Spanish, and then Biology.

In that exact order.

The first section in each book was not that difficult but as we progressed through the hours it seemed to get harder and harder.

I realized my easiest subject was English and my hardest was Math.

I was easy at Algebra but not at Geometry.

Mom went over one little section from each lesson just to end our session for today.

I laid back in my chair exhausted from doing all this work.

School isn't any better but at least there are more students there, so the teacher wouldn't pick on me every time.

She asked me while starting her homemade chores,

"So, what do you plan on doing today?"

I shrugged still sitting down and said, "I don't know, what do you think?"

She smiled while looking away and said, "Hmmmm....ooooh I heard about this great beach it's just a few blocks away."

I got up quickly and said, "To the beach I go!"

I ran upstairs grabbing a towel, sunglasses, tanning lotion, and a beach chair.

I said while walking out the door, "I'll be back before dark."

I closed the door and started walking on the road in my flip flops.

This town looked much different then the one I used to live in.

It had beautiful palm trees and everyone was so helpful and neighborly.

When I finally saw the sign that said, "Beach Upahead" I got excited.

I haven't been to a beach in forever and I used to love going to the beach.

Once I got there, it was super crowded, but at the same time I felt great.

Everyone was so nice and helpful to me when I arrived, some a little too nice.

I put down my beach towel as I began to open my chair even though it was even harder then it looks.

One really cute British guy came over to me and said, "Let me help you with that, love."

I smiled once realizing he was talking to me and said, "Oh, thanks."

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