Chapter 2: The Shadow Of A Being

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Hello everyone, it's me, Michelle, I just wanted to say that this book might change when the other chapters of the DLC come out!
《Seven/RK's P.O.V》

I walked into the place where the guest eat and noticed that everyone is dead, did they all have a heart attack? If so, how could all of them have one, I kept walking around when one of the chefs got me, and started talking me to the kitchen, thinking I was about to die, I closed my eyes, then suddenly I was put down around with other children.
"No one is allowed upstairs until the new lady has calmed down and change" Said the chef who brought me here, with his raspy voice from smoking. New lady? We have a new lady? Who is she? All of these thoughts went through my head, as they started to give us food. "Who's the new lady" One of the capture girls asked, "The Lady's Daughter" said the chef's twin. "Didn't the lady said that her daughter was taken by her father?" Another one asked. Oh yeah, Didn't the lady say her daughter was taken by her father, mostly because she didn't keep a good eye on her and one of the guests tried to eat her, but I keep hearing around that there are two other reasons... "When she was younger, yes, but then she was brought back as orders from her mother, then the lady went a little mad, and asked the janitor to kill her daughter, but Roger doesn't have the heart to do such things, especially to the girl.." The chef continued, "Why?" I suddendly asked curious as to why he spared her life and disobey the lady. "Well, when she was brought back to the maw (might have spelled that wrong) The Lady was busing with teaching some kids, watching over the guests, and/or keeping the maw running, she didn't have enough time to take care of her daughter, seeing as Roger took good care of the kids even while blind, and me and brother would be busy with preparing meals, Roger became the girl's caretaker, Roger says the most difficult part of taking care of her, is that she was always curious about the maw, running off to different places of the maw, visiting her grandmother, or playing with the other kids/Nomes" Oh, she's sounds like a nice person, at least I hope she still is, this is when she was younger, maybe she has changed especially when her mother tried to kill her, but that makes me remember something


I unhooked and unwrapped myself, when I decided to go take a peep of what was going on since I heard large crash when the janitor hooked me, I saw the girl from the cage before running to the metal cage before getting caught by the janitor, but the janitor touch around as if he was making sure of something, she seemed to have blacked out, and the janitor didn't walk that far maybe just around some cages and put her there, weird to other kids, he would have put us in cages before sending us to the kitchen, what made her so special?
*End of flashback*
《《Six's P.O.V》》
I looked around my old room, It was hidden by mom, but it still had all of my stuff, my pictures, drawings, even my clothes were still here. I heard there loud slams on the door, and I know who they were...

"Roger..." I whispered to myself, as I grabbed a chair and opened the door, when I did I frantically said sorry to Roger, I was scarred and I didn't want Roger to go to the kitchen to help the chefs since that would make a lot harder on me, luckily he understood, I decided to put my sewing skills to the trust, I grabbed a needle and thread, and started to sew Roger's arm back, luck for me, he is dead so I don't have to do any medical treatment, even though I wouldn't be able to, I don't have the stuff for it, once I was done, I asked Roger to move his arms, he did, and it didn't fall off. "Thank you, my lady" He said as kept moving them around to make sure, "You know you can call me Six, Roger" I said, I never really liked people using nicknames with me, like little lady or my lady, even if my name wasn't actually a word. "Are you ready to meet the others?" Roger asked me, "Nope, I still haven't change yet" I told him, he nodded and left the room. "Maybe I can help, Six" A girl's voice similar to mine but more distorted, I know who this was as well...

"Come out Ebota" I told the voice, out of the shadows, came another version of me, just all black like a shadow, she still had her hood on, covering her face, (I named Dark Six, Ebota, if you have a better nickname for her, tell me in the comments) "Aww, you remember my name, how sweet, but enough chit-chat, let's get you out of that raincoat, and into a good kimono, maybe a yellow one, you do like that color" Ebota said as she went to look at my clothes, I didn't question her, I never have, but I started to think, why is she getting so close to me now? I kept thinking about it as she handed me a simple yellow kimono given to me by my dad, I walked away from her to change, and surprising the kimono still fit me, maybe because I haven't grown that much, I walked back to her, and she handed me a pair of Menkoi Geta (slippers) I always had trouble walking in these type of shoes, my mom used to say I got it from my dad, anyways I put them on, and walked a bit in them, after a while Ebota sat me down, and did my hair, cutting a bit in the back and My bangs but making sure they still covered my eyes, I quickly noticed she wasn't covering her eyes anymore, I always was interested in her eyes, because she is a shadow version of me, how could she have eyes, especially like mine. Once she done doing my hair, she check me over, maybe to see if I was presentable looking, which I swear is like what my mom did. "Hooray, you don't look terrible, I swear it was the raincoat's fault, now call the janitor so you can introduce yourself, or not, you can be quite the idiot at times" She said as she walked back into the shadows, "God she acts so much like my mother" I thought as I opened the door to see Roger waiting patiently for me by my mother's room, "I'm ready, Roger" I told him, he looked in my direction and walked towards the kitchen area, I followed as best as I could, but we got to the door, I stopped......

Six x Seven/Runaway kid~ A Little Nightmare Turned Into A Big DreamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant