Chapter 3, Part 2: Friends made from a deadly place

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《《Seven's P.O.V》》

       I woke up, not dead and not in water, luckily... I noticed that the girl was singing a song again, and a Nome was sitting next to me, listening to her, after making sure I was alright. We listen while she was singing that song over and over again, I swear her voice was magical.

     After a while she stopped singing and turned over to see us listening, her face got really red, and she punched me in the stomach. "Owwwwwwww!!" I yelped out in pain, "DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S RUDE TO LISTEN ON OTHER PEOPLE" She said, yelling, "Sorry, it's just that one of the nomes, said that they saw someone running towards the depths, they seemed pretty scared" I said, quietly, trying to recover from the punch, for a girl who is smaller than me, she can sure hit pretty hard.
        I looked up, and her face was still red, but she looked like she was trying to control herself, "No one is allowed down here, especially if it's night time!" she said, looking away. "I could say the same for you" I said, getting up with some help with the Nome. "I don't need to explain my reason..!" She said, still looking away from me, I soon noticed the Nome was pretty close to her, and before anyone could say anything else, he pulled down her hood....

《《Six's P.O.V》》

         I felt my hood being pulled off, I turned around to see who did it, and I saw the Nome is closer to me. "WHAT THE HELLL!!!" I screamed, not realizing my face, my EYES, were showing, until I heard, what's his name speak ((Six doesn't know Seven's name yet)) "T-T-THREE EYES!?!?!" He said, with fear in his voice, as soon as he said that, I pressed the button, and ran out the door to find somewhere to hide, or to run to my room, but my room was too far away.  I hid under a table, hiding my eyes, I wished I never had them, they always brought me bad luck, especially since my mom took two of them out, I don't remember that day since I was young, but I remember the damage it caused.

~Flashback to when Six is younger, and in the outside world, AT SCHOOL~

        I was playing by myself on the swing, none of the other kids wanted to play with me, I didn't really understand why, Sure I was a tad bit different, unlike other kids, I had three eyes, ummm two non-working eyes and one working eye to be honest, though I see perfectly with all of them, but other than that, I'm pretty normal. I kept playing on the swings until two girls came up to me and asked me if I wanted to play with them on the monkey bars, I was a bit suspicious about this, since they weren't really known as the nicest people, but I decided to go along with it, I wanted to at-least make some friends. I walked over to the monkey bars, we chatted for a bit when all of a sudden, I felt something being poured on me, I covered my eyes to avoid having something put into them.... but when I opened them, I was covered in a red liquid, it smelled horrible, what IS it? I heard everyone laughing and cheering, tears filled my eyes as I ran towards my teacher, everyone got detention, the ones responsible from prank(?) were expelled, and that was my last year attending school, because two weeks after, my mother order the ferryman to pick me up and bring me to the maw.

《《Seven's P.O.V》》

            I ran after the girl, with the Nome following after me, she was pretty fast and quick when it came to park-our, how is she able to do all of this!? I kept thinking to myself as I tried to catch up with her, I started to think about her eyes, how can a person be born with three eyes, why does she have three eyes, who is she??? The thoughts kept running through my head while I started to catch up with her, she seemed to stop running and hid under a table, crying... I went under the table, sitting next to her, the Nome coming and sitting in her lap, silence filled the room as I decided to break it.
            "So, were you born with three eyes, or did something happen?" I asked her, as she looked at the ground. "I was born with them..... why do you ask?" She asked, as her short black hair covered her eyes. "It's just that I never seen someone born with three eyes, or even have three eyes before! And I'm curious!" I told her, she looked at me with the look that was the first time she has heard those words. "Do you think I'm a freak?" She asked, looking away. "Nope, sure what you have is unusual, but after being on the maw for so long, nothing can freak me now" I told her, to be honest after the janitor, the twin chefs, Granny, and everything else on this boat, nothing really freaks me out, but after I said that she hugged me, crying into my jacket, I let her, if she came from the outside world, I know the kids there aren't the kindest.

       She kept crying in my jacket for a while, she kinda stopped when the Nome joined in the hug. I could see the tears streaming down her face, her eye red from crying so much, I wiped away the remaining tears, and her eye went back to white. Once she calmed down, we chatted for a bit, I learned her name is Six, and that she has been on the maw for a long time now, actually I think she's the girl that was capture by the janitor, when I was on my way to the engine room. We kept chatting until it was time for me to head back before the janitor realized I'm not there, but before I left the room, I heard.... "Bye Seven, Come Back Tomorrow!" I headed back to the prison area, I made a new friend and a pretty adorable and talented one...

Six x Seven/Runaway kid~ A Little Nightmare Turned Into A Big DreamWhere stories live. Discover now