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Of course, It wasn't their first mission together. Heavens knows all the small missions, Steve and Natasha did for Shield over the years. But this was an important mission; and the first mission they were completing together, as, you know, a couple. Nat thought it was silly, immature, and stupid to keep track of tiny milestones like this, but Steve didn't. He thought it was important. 

Maybe that was because his first attempt at dating hadn't gone nearly as well as he hoped. "Saturday, at the Stork Club, don't you dare be late" still haunted him in his dreams. Yes, he had moved past Peggy, but the fear of something happening to him and leaving Natasha...Steve shuddered. 

"You okay?" Nat's voice sounded through the com in his ear. Steve nodded, realized she couldn't see that, and muttered, "Yeah." If Nat wasn't convinced, she didn't comment on it now.

"We're closing in on them, Cap. I'm gonna do a Hawkeye and use the vents. You come at them from the ground."

"Got it." Steve's heart was pounding in his chest. If this went wrong, if she got hurt, if he got hurt- No. He just needed to focus. Shaking his head, Steve crept forward, shield out and ready. 

The first guys sprung out on him. Without even flinching, Steve slammed him on the head with his shield. The guy dropped like a stone. Looking up, Steve saw a flash of red hair and a second guy feel from the ceiling. Steve grinned and felt his stomach muscles unclench. They would be fine.

"Steve, on your left!" Nat called out. Steve whirled around and quickly dodged a roundhouse kick to the face, catching the guy's foot and throwing him across the room, where he hit the wall and fell. 

"Thanks, Nat," Steve said, his heart back to beating 200 beats a minute. 

20 minutes later, they had gotten what they needed and were heading back to the Quinjet. There was silence for a couple minutes until Nat finally spoke up. "What was bothering you back there, Steve? You've never been so tense at a mission before and you nearly got killed three times when we were disabling the generator."

"Don't remind me."

"Steve. Just talk to me." Nat said and Steve sighed.

"I just...I don't know...I was really stressing out about the mission and what would happen if you got hurt and-"

"I wouldn't get hurt." Steve gave Nat a look.

"How do you know?"

"Because you'll always be there to protect me and I will always be there to protect you." 

"But what if I'm not there-"

"Then, I'll have a minor injury that can be healed in a week or two and it won't be your fault. You can't protect me all the time, Steve." 

"I know, but-" The rest of Steve's sentence was muffled; Nat was hugging him, fiercely. When she finally let go, she looked up at him, grinning.

"You are too cute. Worrying about me like a mother and that adorable red blush you get every time I even hug you."

"I am NOT adorable."

"Yes, you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am no-"

"Just shut up and take the compliment." 

Steve grinned. 

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