This Was NOT The Plan

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This was NOT supposed to happen, Steve thought, glaring inwardly at himself (if that was possible). 

"What's the matter Steve?" Natasha asked, panting, brushing hair out of her eyes. "Giving up already?"

Steve didn't answer. He didn't know what to do. It wasn't like they had never sparred before; they sparred at least twice a week. But for some reason, this time was different. Now she was practically laying on top of him and he didn't know how to respond. 

Nat cocked her head to the side and squinted at him. "You're acting funny." 

"No I'm not." Steve retorted rather weakly, still just staring motionless into her eyes. Natasha didn't move either; both of them were frozen in time, just staring at each other. Finally, Steve shook himself out of his daze, shoved Nat unceremoniously to the floor, and stood up.

"Hey!" Nat yelped, before springing up, too, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "So I guess you're not giving up? Pity-I guess I'll have to do it the hard way." She said, running at him. Steve caught her arm and flipped her, wincing when her back hit the gym floor. 

"Sorry." He said, covering his wince with a smirk. 

"Somehow, I really don't believe that." Nat said, slightly out of breath, jumping back onto her feet. This time, she waited for him to make the first move; they circled each other like animal waiting to attack. Steve feinted to the left and then attempted a right upper punch, which was blocked. Suddenly, he found himself in a half-nelson, Natasha's knee digging into his spine and pain shooting up his shoulder. 

"How did you even-"

"I would never tell you, dummy." Natasha said.

"I'm not dumb!" Steve said, kicking his leg out, knocking Nat to the floor. Without even thinking, he rolled on top of her and pinned her arms to her sides. "See? Not dumb."

"Oh I don't know; I think you're still pretty thick." Natasha said, somehow reversing the situation. Steve found himself below her. For a second they just stared at each other.

"Whoa. What is going on in here?" Tony said, the doors to the gym opening. Natasha and Steve jumped up from the floor.

"Nothing." Said Steve quickly, he could feel his face burning up.

"Likely story. Rogers, your face tells it all." Tony smirked. 

"We were exercising, Stark. Something you don't do much of, so I can understand why you'd be confused." Said Nat, stepping in.

"Is that what people call exercising nowadays? Sign me up." He said, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. 

"Ew, gross, Stark. Get out." Said Nat, making a face.

"Nah, you guys need a chaperone." Said Tony, closing the door behind him.

Natasha stared at him for a second. And then stared at Steve. In the split second she considered it, it seemed like a good idea. Natasha turned to Steve and kissed him on the mouth. 

"Purpling!" Tony called out, but neither of them moved. "Ew. You guys are so gross. You win, I'm leaving." He said, backing out of the gym. 

Natasha and Steve broke apart, slowly. For a second they stared at each other. "That was just because of Stark, right?" Steve said quickly.

"Yeah." Natasha replied just as quickly, "That didn't mean anything."

"Yeah." Steve said, trying to hide how breathless he was.

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