Part 3

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Natasha just stared at Steve like a deer in the headlights. Steve stared back, his bright blue eyes wide and teary. 

"Steve-" Natasha began, but cut herself off, not sure of what to say. There was a long awkward pause, in which Tony and Clint escaped to the cockpit, muttering about something that needed to be checked. Steve and Natasha just stood there, staring at each other. 

"Is it..." Steve began, his voice cracking. He tried again. "Did you...Did you really mean all that?" He finally managed to say. He found that he couldn't meet her eyes, so instead he looked at his feet. 

"Steve..." Natasha began. 

"Don't." Steve cut in, a bit harsher than he intended. "Just...tell me. Tell me if what you said was true, because if it is..." He didn't finish; he merely broke off. 

"It was, Steve." Nat said softly, taking a cautious step towards him. Steve flinched when she brushed his arm with her fingers, but he slowly relaxed, as if he was remembering the familiarity of her touch. Nat let her fingers trail down the length of his arm until she reached his hand and she grabbed it. "Steve," She began again. "I love you. I never stopped loving you. Hey," She added, taking his chin in her other hand and raising his head gently. "Look at me. I love you." She said slowly, her green eyes catching his his blue ones. 

"Why did you end it?" Steve asked, tear welling up in his eyes.

"Steve, I'm so sorry." Natasha said, pulling him into a fierce hug. "I'm so, so, sorry." 

Steve's head dropped onto her shoulder and his arms tightened around Natasha's slim frame. She felt her shoulder become damp and realized that Steve was crying.

(A/N: Sorry its so short, but im trying to keep everything one-shot length :D )

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