Four for Four (Part 4)

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"Steve, what are you doing?" Nat asked, laughing a little as Steve tied a blindfold around her eyes.

"Just..bear with me for a sec, okay? And don't peek!" Steve added quickly, seeing Nat's hand rise to touch the blindfold. Her hand dropped and she sighed. 

"I hate blindfolds, Steve. Come on, can we take it off?" She whined, knowing she sounded like she was five, but she didn't care. 

"In a second." There were a couple of scuffles and then the blindfold came off. 

"Oh, wow, Steve," Nat exclaimed looking around. They were on Steve's floor of the Avengers penthouse, on his balcony. There was a table set up for two, with candles in the center. 

"We've been dating for months...And we've never had a romantic dinner. I thought tonight would be the night. Unless of course, you didn't want it to be, in which case I can order takeout-" He was abruptly cut off as Natasha kissed him softly.

"It's perfect. Thank you, Steve. I love it." She said, and so sincerely that Steve blushed. 

As the meal progressed, Steve became more and more fidgety and nervous. Nat could guess why, and every time she thought about it, the more excited she became. 

"Natasha," Steve began...And hesitated. Nat smiled encouragingly, urging him to go on. Steve took a deep breath and stood up. "Natasha, ever since we've gotten together, I have been happier than I've been in awhile. You brought joy into my life. And for once, I have someone I can depend on other myself. You are my other half, and without you, my life isn't complete. Will you complete my life completely, Natasha? Will you marry me?



"Pepper?" Tony called through his floor.

"Yes?" Came the answer. Pepper walked out of her bedroom (she had one on Tony's floor). Tony felt his jaw drop. She was wearing a short, sparkly green dress and green heels.

"Baby, you look...Amazing." Gushed Tony, causing Pepper to blush and look down at her feet.

"Thank you," She said softly. "Are we ready to go? Wherever we are going? You didn't tell me." She added, hoping he'd drop a hint. 

"Nice try. I'm not telling. Now, I will escort you downstairs and you will enter the limo, no questions asked."

"Yes sir," Said Pepper, with a smirk. 

"Alright, we're here." Said Tony, ten minutes later. Pepper stepped out of the limo, took one glance at the restaurant and then ran over and hugged Tony.

"I love this place! Thank you!" 

As they got their seat, Tony cleared his throat. "I figured I would start out with eh question and then we would celebrate by eating."

"Aren't you just assuming I'll say yes to whatever it is?" Asked Pepper.

"Well, I had assumed you'd want to marry me, but not, I guess I could find someone else." Said Tony offhandedly. 

"Well, you assumed correctly. Wait. What?!" Pepper said, her eyes wide.

"I want you to marry me, Pepper. I can't live without you. You are the pepper to my salt," Pepper rolled her eyes, "And you just...complete me. I'd never be able to do anything without you. I love you more than I love myself. And, as you know, that is the highest compliment I can give you," Said Tony, winking. Pepper didn't say anything for second and for that second Tony seemed to lose a bit of confidence.

"I love you, Pepper. With my entire body. With everything in me. Will you marry me? And make me complete?"

"Yes. Yes!" She repeated, smiling so brightly it could have blinded someone. 


"This is perfect, Bucky." Said Sharon, snuggling up to Bucky on the couch as he pushed play on the remote.

"Isn't it? Pizza, breadsticks, salad, and a Harry Potter movie.  What could be better?"

"My thoughts exactly." 

"Except...It could be better."


"If.." Bucky hesitated, and then said, "If I could have you over all the time. If we could live together and spend every moment together. If we were married." 

There was a shocked silence.,

"James Buchanan Barnes, are you asking me to marry you?" Said Sharon, laughing slightly.

"Yes, sorry, I know it was that amazing, but I was really nervous and-"


"And I know you might be scared of marriage or something, but I love you and if you wanna wait that's-"


"Fine with me. Wait...Did you just...Did you just say yes? Oh my gosh, I think you just said yes!"

"I did say yes. Because I love you and I want to live with you forever." Said Sharon, blushing slightly. Bucky grinned.

"SHE SAID YES!" He shouted and laughing, he swept Sharon off her feet and swung her around. 


"I know what you're going to ask Bruce. And I also know that you'll stumble while you're saying it because you're nervous and you don't want to mess it up. And I know what my answer will be. Always and forever. Yes. Yes, yes, yes!" 

"Wait, really? You're not bothered by the fact that we...can't stuff? You're okay with that?"

"Honey, of course, I'm okay with that. I love you."

"Oh my gosh." Said Bruce faintly. "We're getting married." Then he grinned and whooped. "We're getting married!"


"Do you, Bruce, Tony, Steve, and James, take these women, Wanda, Pepper, Natasha, and Sharon to be your lawfully wedded wives? To have and to hold, till death do you part?"

"We do."

"Do you, Wanda, Pepper, Natasha, and Sharon, take these men, Bruce, Tony, Steve, and James to be your lawfully wedded husbands? To have and to hold, till death do you part."

"We do." 

"Then I now pronounce you Husbands and Wives. You may now kiss the brides."

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