Tuesday, July 18th 2017

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That's the day we started dating. The day where everything became right, and whole again. The day where I wasn't jealous at other couples for their happiness, but because they got to be with the person they loved.

262.1 miles, 5 hours, 300 minutes separates us. And I hate that. I hate that I can't be in your arms every second, of every minute, of every hour of everyday.

But it makes the time we are together so important. It makes me appreciate the kisses on my cheek, and lips more. Makes me appreciate each and every hug. The time we cuddle, and watch movies. Each smile we share, and Every time we hold hands.

I love you. I could never picture myself growing old, having kids, or being married with anyone I've liked before.

But with you, everything is just perfect. When we would brush our teeth together, it was just meant to be. It's scary, I won't lie.

You're mine and I'm yours, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my life with

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