I did a thing

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I haven't talked to you guys in a while. But then again I doubt anyone is really reading this.

But I did a thing, a multitude of things. So let's start off from the last time I updated.

February: Not much happened, celebrated Valentine's day with my friends. Video chatted with "Smooth McGroove." Worked on school work, and thay was about it. Gave a speech in my AP class and got a 100, which I was really proud of.

March: Again not much, essentially just did school work. Had some family come and visit for a few days. Smoked some weed. The last day of March was the beginning of spring break, went to visit with some family.

April:  Finished off Spring break by hanging out with friends. Nothing too cool. Got my report card for the 3rd quarter, and started the 4th. Btw I got straight A's.

May: Started talking to a guy in my mythology class. Dated for about 3 weeks before I broke up with him. Realized I loved another guy shortly after, and shortly after that I realized it would never work because he was going to leave soon. Finished school, got straight A's again.

June: The first day of June was the worst. It was the day my best friend, the guy I liked went back to France. I spent the while day crying on and off, that was also how I spent the 3 days following the first. Laid up in my bed crying on and off. Finally after like a week, I got back to a somewhat normal state, thanks to my friend "Alien" (he's pretty strange so the nickname fits). He's a cool dude though, glad I met him. I finally got a job, so now I'm apart of the working class.

And that's pretty much everything that has happened. Not much. Pretty boring, but I felt like updating so this is what you get.

P.S. that whole bit of me doing a "multitude of things" was a lie. Clearly

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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