It was too good, so now we have to screw it up

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I'm struggling to stay a float. And that's my problem. It shouldn't be your problem or our problem, it's mine and mine alone. There's nothing you can do to fix it, or to solve it. It works with time.

Lately I find myself hating the small things I used to enjoy about you. Or I get made at the slightest thing you do, and I don't understand why. Especially because i know it's me, and no matter how hard I try to get unmad it doesn't work.

I think what i need is time. Time to work on me, because I don't want to cause more harm than good. I love you, I care about you, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew i wasn't giving you my best and just stringing you along. So I'm asking for us to take a break, end things for now and possibly reconvene later on. Or maybe not, maybe we should just stick to being friends.

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