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Yes, I know it's a weird title, but it makes sense to me.

The very first conversation we had was about Harambe, and who was the ultimate Harambe memer. We never officially agreed, but it was totally me.

And from then on, we were great. No matter what, we were always comfortable with each other, there was no awkwardness between us. We could go from talking about something deep and emotional, to being complete idiots without a care in the world.

I liked to have thought of you as my best friend, the one person I could count on no matter what. But all that changed when you started dating her, and I understand why it did. I just wished it didn't.

You're on of the few things I never want to let go of, regardless of how much emotional pain I cause myself every time I think about us, every time I think about you.

Some days I just really want to text you, to see how you're doing. Make sure you're okay, ask you for your moms cookies cause they're probably one of the best things in the world, like I honestly could eat a million of them.

But I know I can't text you, I can't reach out to you cause it will do more harm than good, so on those days I will reread our old convos, the ones I couldn't find it in my heart to delete, because that's my piece of you. My piece to hold, and cherish. My piece that I never have to let go of.

I miss our inside jokes, I miss you always messing with me in third period, I miss you texting me during fifth and telling me that I got the math problem wrong, when I know for a fact I got it right.

Every time I have a burrito, I can't help but think of you. I miss the stupid puns you would make.

I miss your hugs, and your laugh, I miss you poking fun at me and me doing the same right back.

I miss you.

You were one of the greatest things to happen to me.

I can only hope you feel an ounce of what I do.

I can only hope for the day we might talk again.

Thank you for being my friend.

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