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I was standing in line waiting to be called when I faintly heard the barista say that she could take my order at her station.

"Hi. I would like a Caffè Vanilla Light Frappuccino Blended Coffee with a pump of caramel, please." I stated my order, waiting for her to tell me the amount owed. Once she told me I paid, gave her my name, then stepped to the side until my order was prepared.

As I waited, my mind couldn't help but to wander. This morning I woke up at 11 and was well rested. I was actually able to sleep throughout the entire night uninterrupted by any "peculiar" dreams. I found that to be strange seeing as a full nights rest had become extremely unfamiliar to me. Don't get me wrong, it was great and left me feeling refreshed, but also confused. Why have the dreams just suddenly stopped? What could that possibly mean?

I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me jump in surprise. I looked around, remembering where I was. I turned to the person who tapped me after quickly realizing that they were just trying to get my attention, not scare me into having a heart attack.
"I believe they've been calling your order miss" the older man said. I turned to where he had pointed to and saw the barista holding my order. I turned back to thank him before rushing to the counter to get my drink. I tipped the lady and made my way out of the coffee shop.

As I was walking back towards campus I realized that the guy in front of me had dropped his composition book out of his bag. I was patiently waiting on him to realize it when I noticed that he couldn't hear the loud "slap" sound it created when it hit the ground (even though everybody else did) because he had headphones in.

That's actually very dangerous, especially in busy streets.

I took a moment to debate, in my head of course, whether or not I was gonna do the right thing or just walk away and continue sipping my oh-so-tasty coffee. After about two seconds of internally arguing with myself I decided that I might as well be a good person then bent down to pick up the book and walked up behind him, tapping his shoulder. Because he was so freaking tall and had these long legs I was struggling to keep up with him. He still hadn't even felt my freaking taps. I just started poking his shoulder.

He finally stopped walking and turned around. Because it felt like I'd been sprinting behind him for two minutes straight and my lungs were collapsing, I was looking down trying to catch my breath- which might I add was harder than usual because of the cold weather. I put up that finger sign, you know the one that says "give me a minute so that I can like actually start breathing again".

I finally regained my composure and stood up straightening myself and looked up at the irritated stranger. Now I wish I would've just left the book where it was.

He was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and I could see a faint smirk on his face. I took a deep breath remembering the conversation that Marlie and I had over dinner about me being nicer to people and decided to be polite.
At least a little.

"You dropped this on the ground. Here" I gave him his stuff and proceeded to walk away. Before I turned the corner I looked back to see that he was still staring at me with that same facial expression.

I turned away and began making my way back to campus. I'm turning over a new leaf.

Before I made my way into the library I dumped my now empty Starbucks cup into the bin. It was so good I almost wanted to turn back around in this horrible weather to get another.


I pushed that thought to the side and walked into the library  greeting Mrs. Reese.

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