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Alexsi's car above

"Umm... actually You can go on. I'd rather take a taxi anyway." I said, not even giving him a chance to reply before shutting the door and turning to walk away. Not gone lie I was a bit surprised I said it like that. This man is intimidating without even trying.

I wasn't even four full steps away from the car before he was out and I heard "No. You're not taking a taxi. Get in the car." I stopped and turned around confused as to why he was so concerned.

"Why do you care? And I am taking a taxi. Thanks for coming but I'm quite capable of getting myself home and if Jace asks I'll tell him that you were the perfect gentleman." I rolled my eyes and turned, starting my walk again. Behind me I heard a door slam and the engine roar before the sound of screeching tires began to echo in the parking garage of the building. Guess he got the message.

Just as I was about to smirk to myself knowing that I'd dodged a bullet, I quickly jumped back seeing that a car had stopped abruptly in front of me, parked sideways blocking my path. He got out of the car resting his arms on the top. I was still in shock.

"Are you crazy!?" I exclaimed with furrowed brows. "You could've hit me or worse RAN ME OVER!" I added emphasis to the last few words hoping to get my point across.

He looked at me with a very bored expression saying "And yet here you are. Still alive and talking. Now, you're not taking a taxi-"

"Yes I am." I interjected with folded arms. I saw him squint his eyes, apparently unhappy. He removed his arms from on top of the car and in a blink he was in front of me. Directly in front of me.

"You will get into the car. Taxi's are not safe and Jace asked me to make sure that you got home in one piece and under my surveillance. My patience is running really thin and I am not one to repeat myself too many times. Get into the car now." The whole time that he was speaking, he intensely stared at me as if he was challenging me to protest or interrupt him again. I paused, choosing my next words wisely after taking note of his short temper.

"Ok...fine. This one you win. Only because I really don't want to be in a funky taxi." I wanted him to think that I wasn't shaken up by his tactics.

He just rolled his eyes "I'm not very familiar with or fond of losing." It was my turn to roll my eyes. He walked to the passenger door and just when I was about to touch the handle he quickly snatched it, opening the door instead. He actually opened it for me? Well, I guess the day is just full of surprises.
"Get in." He said quickly losing patience. I complied not wanting to spark an argument saying thank you to him for holding the door while I got in. He didn't say anything back though. He just closed it and walked to his side, getting in and starting the car before pulling off.

Ten minutes later we were still sitting in silence as he drove. But, surprisingly the silence wasn't awkward which confused me considering what just happened back in the garage of the sophisticated-building-place. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say. I'll just start with the basics and work my magic from there.

"Soooo... how old are you?" I asked turning my attention towards him. He side eyed me then looked back at the road.

"Wow okay so it's a guessing game." I joked but he didn't laugh. He just kept straight forward with one hand on the wheel and the other on the console between the two of us.

"Well it's okay if that one's too hard we can just move on. How did you and Jace meet?" I asked choosing a different question.

He looked at me again in annoyance "You really just keep talking don't you?" That stung a little bit. I frowned feeling the slight effect of his harsh words.

"You really don't know how to be nice do you? Or at least not be a complete douche." I could slowly feel my temper rising and I was really trying to remain cordial with this boy.

"Douche? That's crazy because I thought it was pretty nice of me to take you home as a favor to Jace." His face softened a bit and he slightly chuckled. Wait...did he just chuckle? It caught me so off guard that I didn't even know what to say after that. But that didn't stop me from finding the words.

"He has a sense of humour" I remarked sarcastically with a smirk watching as his disappeared from that pretty little face. I might not like him but I can admit when someone is gorgeous and he is dangerously gorgeous . I'd never let him or anybody else know that though. I'll only admit it to myself.

I reached over to turn up the volume of the radio trying to fill the silence that we'd fallen into once again. Just as my fingers prepared to brush the knob, I felt his strong and calloused hand, twice the size of mine, wrap around my fingers. He placed my hand on my thigh, which was exposed due to my choice of a skirt, then removed his hand resting it on the console as he had before.

"Don't touch stuff. Just sit back with your hands on your lap." He was back to his usual self.

"Well then it's either you answer my question or-" my sentence was cut off by him turning up the music, drowning out my voice. I'm really losing my patience and  you do not want me to hit zero. I just rolled my eyes and went ahead and took off my seatbelt after realizing that we were at my apartment complex. He swiftly pulled into a parking spot and killed the engine. I moved to open the door but was quickly stopped by his fussing. What else is new.

"Didn't I tell you to just sit there and not touch anything? I'll get the door" He got out of the car and I sat there waiting. Soon he was at my side and opening the door for me. Once I was out he closed it and walked with me to my apartment.

"You don't have to walk up the stairs with me. I'm more than capable of making it there on my own." I said in annoyance. At this point I was sick of his presence, and attitude. I was really about to start showing him how bad MY temper could get. One minute he's really rude, the next he's less of a jerk.

"Don't flatter yourself. I told Jace that I would make sure you got in safely and that's what I plan to do." He said rolling his eyes and blowing out a breath of annoyance for like the umpteenth time today.

"Yes well I hope that you aren't expecting me to invite you inside. But hey don't cry...maybe next time." I said slightly teasing him knowing that he'd get annoyed. What can I say? Gotta get one in for the road.

"Whatever goodbye." He said walking away.

"Thanks" I called as I watched him get into his car with a slam and pull off. I closed the door before locking it and turned around taking in a deep breath, then releasing it. I skipped happily to the kitchen deciding to heat up the rest of my breakfast and finish it. It felt good to be out of that retards car and on my own. As I sat down to finish my meal I decided to do some snooping because I can feel it that Marlie is hiding something from me.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number that was hanging up on the refrigerator door in case of emergency. I listened to the dial tone waiting for someone to answer. Just as I was about to hang up they said hello.

"Umm yes I would like to know if Marlie Beckett came in to work today?" I asked

"Oh really she isn't?" I raised a brow. Just as I suspected.

"Well would you mind informing me if she does come in today? Alright thanks." I hung up the phone and sat back in my chair.

Oh Marlie I'm not sure what you're up to but I think I've got an idea.

This should be fun I thought as I bit into a strawberry.

Alright so I'm sure you guys can tell that my writing style starts to change here. So please just bare with me as I'm becoming a bit more comfortable and establishing the type of language I want to use and etc. You're about to see the characters progress and the story start to really move in the right direction. Thank you so much for reading 💋

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