Part Three

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This part will cover how to crate train your French Bulldog puppy.

Crate training has many benefits, including reduction of separation anxiety, preventing destructive behavior, and serving as a mobile dog house.

Never use a crate to punish your French Bulldog.

Put your dog's favorite toys in the pen, as well as a couple treats.

There should be a bowl of water in the crate if your Frenchie is going to be in there for more than two hours.

Put a comfortable blanket inside the crate to make a bed for them.

When possible, have the crate near you or in a popular room in the house, such as a living room. Your Frenchie will be more likely to go in this way and feel less lonely when you leave.

How to introduce and make your puppy comfortable in the crate:

-feed them in the crate

-NEVER force your Frenchie into the crate.

-When you first begin crate training, always praise and encourage your puppy when he/she enters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: puppies under 4 months have very little bladder control and should not be in a crate for very long.

DO NOT leave your dogs collar on before putting in a crate. The collar could get caught on the metal.

DO NOT use a plastic crate for your Frenchie. Use wire cages instead, as Frenchies overheat very easily.

Make sure your Frenchie has gone potty before putting them in a crate. Do not get too big of a crate or they may be encouraged to go potty in it.

DO NOT punish or scold your puppy for going potty in their crate.

DO NOT crate your puppy if they have not had enough exercise or socialization

How to teach your puppy to go into the crate on command. (only do this after your dog becomes completely comfortable with the crate)

With a treat in your hand, use a command, such as crate, and gesture inside of the crate. Once your frenchie goes inside, give him/her the treat as well as lots of praise and attention. After you close the door, sit quietly by the crate for about 5-10 minutes. After that, go into another room for a few minutes before letting your puppy out. Do this several times a day.

DO NOT release your puppy for whining/crying while in the crate. If you have consistantly done this, and your Frenchie is still whining after several minutes, take him/her outside as they may have to go potty.

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