Part Nine

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This part will give some basic facts you should know before getting a French Bulldog.

1. French Bulldogs are really expensive, and common health problems in the breed can add on to that. 

2. French Bulldogs can be stubborn and more difficult to train than other dogs.

3. Like all puppies, French Bulldog puppies get bored easily and will chew up almost anything, so make sure to keep personal belongings out of reach and puppy-proof your house!

4. French Bulldogs are heavy and loud breathers, and they also snore.

5. French Bulldogs are allergic to grain and corn, so make sure they have a high-quality brand of food as they also can have digestive problems. 

6. They require a lot of attention. French Bulldogs do not do well when left alone.

7. French bulldogs are prone to a lot of health problems and vet bills can be very expensive.

8. French Bulldogs shed a lot despite their short fur.

9. French Bulldogs can be really difficult to house break, just as they are difficult to train.

10. If you can handle all these problems and more, then a French Bulldog will make a wonderful companion for you! They are very affectionate, great with kids and other animals, don't require much exercise, and are very playful and have great personalities!

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