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It was a beautiful sunny morning, jack had just gotten home to his beautiful girlfriend Harleen.
  He was trying his best to stay quiet so he didn't wake her up, but to his surprise she was already up and seemed to be waiting for him.
"Hey..." Harley said with a sweet smile.
"I missed you last night..."
Jack smiled and said, "I'm sorry-" he started, as we walked over to the bed and sat on it next to her.
"That I had to miss our date, but the office called me and said I had to work late."
Harley then got up, and stander on her knees on the bed, and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Well your here now, but you owe me." She said and then kissed his cheek.
Jack just smiled, remembering last night...
*last night*
"Hahahah!" Jack had laughed his famous laugh.
But he was no longer jack, he was now the joker.
He had robbed a bank, and when the police arrived, he had grabbed his gun and shot all of them down.
Taking the cop cars and driving off, causing more discord in Gotham.
*back to now*

"What's wrong?" Harley asked.
"Hm? Oh nothing my dear..."
"Oh okay, but why don't we have our date tonight? It will be just like old times...."
Jack chuckled and said, "alright, how about around 8?"
"Sounds good..." "well I'm going to take a shower...."
"Okay..." Harley said while letting go of him.

After a few minutes of him being in shower of cold water, he was remembering all the good times him and Harley had,
He thought, that they could never have memories like that again, after what had happen to him...
He then felt more crazier just thinking about all the good times, he started screaming and punching the walls.
   Harley had heard this, she looked towards the shower, with a worried look.
He then came out, as if nothing had happened.
"A-are you okay?"
Jack looked at her, and rolled his eyes a little, "I'm fine Harley, I'll see you at 8!"
At that jack had got dressed and left.
   Harley was shocked, he had never treated her like that, she was wondering what was wrong.
Harley then shook it off and decided she needed some fresh air.

   As she was walking she saw a familiar face, but with scars on the sides of his face,
( he's not wearing makeup)
She was scared because he was shooting at the sky and shooting at people.
  She was about to run, till he turned around to face her...
He smiled, and then laughed, as he laughed he shot in the air, scaring Harley.
  She then ran and ran till she was at home.
"That couldn't have been jack, right?" She asked herself.
"Come on Harley, there's no way, just get ready for your date and you'll forget all of this, hopefully"

It was almost 8, and Harley was wearing a tight black dress that went to her knees and he hair was in a cute but messy bun.

She then waited for her boyfriend in the restaurant, just waiting...
It soon was 8:30, Harley was just about to leave till she saw a tall figure walk to the chair across from her.
"Sorry I'm late, you know how it goes with traffic." Jack then laughed, but it wasn't jack again, it was the joker in all his makeup and green hair.
"Who are you?" Harley asked.
"Oh, how could you not recognize me? I'm jack baby."
"No, no, jack was a sane man! And your the opposite of that!"
"Oh now, don't cause a scene, but I am your boyfriend, just different looking, I do hope you can understand...."
Before Harley could even say anything they heard police sirens.
"Sorry to cut things short doll face, but I must be on my way...."
And at that the joker had disappeared.
  Harley was stunned, she couldn't believe he had lied to her and that he of all people was the joker!
Harley then got up and left, back to her home.

  Once she got home she started packing her stuff...
As she was doing so she heard the door open.
"Go away jack!"
Jack then walked into the bedroom all his makeup was off and his green hair was back to brown.
"What's wrong Harley?" He asked as if non of tonight had happened.
"What are you talking about what's wrong?! You've been lying to me and you're the joker! So you tell me what's wrong!"
Jack was lost at words, so he decided to just leave...
"Jack?" Harley said as she looked around to see he was gone.

It was almost a week later, Harley was at work, she helped the government/ polices to catch the worst criminals ever.
While she was at work a screen came on showing the joker live in some old factory it looked like.
Once Harley saw him on screen she say down in fear..

"Hahaha!" He laughed
"Why hello people of Gotham, you might be wondering why I've come to talk to you, well I'm looking for someone, if she is not with me in the next 24 hours, every hour after that I will kill one person that hour!"
He laughed again as the screen turned off.
Harley was more scared then ever, she knew he meant her, but she didn't want to go back to that insane clown.
"Who's he talking about?" Asked a man that worked with Harley.
"I don't know..."
"Shit! What about the Galla? We can't cancel it now! Most likely he'll come to that and kill everyone!"
"And maybe the person will be there to!"
"No worried everyone!"
But Harley was worried more than anyone.....

*the night of the galla*
Harley was wearing a nice skin thought dress that went to her knees, with read heels and her hair was in a nice up-do.
But Harley had waited about an hour in of the formal party...

*at the galla*
Durning the hour Harley had waited the joker had arrived...
"Times up! Hahaha!" "Seems she doesn't want to be found!" Joker said as he shot his gun up in the air to scare people...
As that happens though, Harley had walked down the stairs, getting the jokers attention.
Once Harley was down, the joker walked over to her.
"Why hello beautiful..." joker started, but Harley just rolled her eyes.
"You look marvelous..." at that Harley smiled and blushed a little.
"Is it the scar?" Joker said holding up a bomb
"Your a sick man!"
"No im not...."
at that he knocked Harley out, and snuck out with her as he threw the bomb killing everyone that was in the party room.

While Harley was still knocked out he took her to a shock therapy room, strapped her down and waited for her to awake.

    It was only a few minutes later when Harley woke up to see the man she once loved standing over her, she had noticed she was strapped down, she then asked, "what are you gonna do, you going to kill me Mistah J?"
"Haha, I'm not going to kill you, what would I do without you?"

Hey there guys and gals! I'm back lol, I finally had an idea and I like this story, I mean I do feel I could be better but I actually like the idea lol
Well hope you enjoyed, and be expecting some more one shots

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