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Dedicated to Blue_Skyes33

Italleigha's POV

"Mom for the hundredth time. I'll be alright. Archer and Hunter will be there to show me around"I said. "I don't see why we don't show you around. We went to that school. Come on dear. Convince her"my mom pleaded. "Honey. Italleigha is a big women now. It is time she flies from the nest. Now listen Italleigha no boyfriend until you are 60" dad said with a stern face.

"Alright gang. Our sis won't have any boyfriend. Not on our watch. Mom,Dad she will be in good hands"Archer said. I was tackled by my little brother Leon. "DON'T GO PLEASE. I'LL BEHAVE. I WON'T READ YOUR DIARY"Leon cried. "You read my diary. Why you little sh-"I was cut off by my mom. "Sheep"mom finished. "Okay mom we gotta go if we want to make it to the dorm on time" Hunter said. My mom looked as she was going to cry for the tenth time

"Mother. Listen don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'll remember everything you taught. I'll call you everyday. Mom you will always be my best friend. I love you"I hugged her. The rest of the family joined in. "Don't forget. You will always be my princess" Dad said.

After our emotional family scene. My brothers showed me to the girl dorms. "Ayo King who that lady you got"someone said. "That's our sister dumbass"Hunter glared at him. He ran away. I just sighed. It was always like this. Never letting me talk to boys or let boys talk to me. "523 here it is"Archer said. They put my luggage down. "Thanks bros"I smiled. "Anything for you lil sis"they said.

They walked away telling me to text them when I was all settled in. I knock the door. A pretty girl opened the door. "Ooh you must be the our roommate"she said. I nodded. "Come in"she opened the door. I put all my luggage inside. "I'm Italleigha King"I smiled. "Oh you are the sister to the Kings"she said. I nodded. Everybody knew my brothers. "I'm Astra"she said. A girl came out. "Sup I'm Hazel"she said. We talked for a while. I found out that Astra is Korean and Hazel is a star athlete "Excuse me. I have to call my brothers"I said. They nodded.

Hello bros. I'm settled in. The girls are really nice
We are glad that you have nice girls in your dorm
Okay bros. I have to go. I have to unpack. Bye love you
We love you too sis

I hanged up. "Girls I have unpacking to do"I said. "So do we"they said. "You know what this means"they said. "BTS"we shouted. We blasted the speakers with BTS. After many hours later we managed to unpack all our clothes. "Woah I'm tired"Astra said. We heard a knock. "I got guys. You guys just rest"I said. I went to open the door.



Hello guys. This is the long awaited sequel of the Bad Boy's Angel. It follows their daughter Italleigha King and how she became a angel like her mother. Thanks to your voting and adding to your list this book came to be.

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