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Xavier POV

Stupid teacher. Held me back after class. Once he let me go, I ran to the front of the campus. Where my Angel usually is at. But I didn't see her. Shit where is she? Unless..

I run as far as my legs can take me. I see Subway and race inside. I scan the room and I find my Angel. I sigh in relief. I walked toward and notice Phoenix and Asher are we her.  "Now I see why the idiot chose you. The rumors are true you are beautiful " Asher  said.  "Wanna say that again Asher "I said . I look at Asher and glare at him. "Angel"I said. I see her nod. "Be ready by 6 tonight"I said. "Come on Asher we are in the way "Phoenix said pulling Asher away. I completely forgot they were her. I turn to see my Angel looking at her sub.

"Angel look at me" I said. She look up and I'm meet with her beautiful eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful"I softly touched her cheek with my fingers. I see her blush.  I hear feets shuffling. "I'm sorry Queen. Practice took longer than usual "her friend said. I quickly pull my hand back. "Umm let's go Queen" she said. My Angel nodded and grabbed her food. "Remember 6 tonight " I reminded her. She only nodded and followed her friend. I watch her as she leaves. I walk back to the house. "So what's this date about" Asher asked. "I like her" I said. Phoenix spit out water and Asher choked on his food. They looked at me all weird.

"Dude you better not be messing with me?" Asher said. "You know I don't joke around" I said. "True, so she's the one" Phoniex asked. I nodded. "She's my Angel" I said. I heard a bunch of awe's. "Stop it" I said. They teased me. This is what I get. I look at the clock and see it's only 3. Wish time would go by quicker. I lay down and think about my Angel.  I text my Angel to meet me at the campus. My eyes began to close and I fall asleep.

I wake to shouting. "DUDE WAKE UP. YOUR DATE!"I heard. I look at the clock and see it's almost 6. Shit. I race to the bathroom and quickly shower. I put on a nice dress shirt and some jeans. I race out the door. Im making my Angel wait. Way to start a first date. I get happy as I get closer to the school grounds.

I see my Angel and I smile. But my smile goes away when I see another guy  around her.  I walk toward her. You can tell she was uncomfortable. "Hey what are you doing with my girl" I said. The guy gets the idea and leaves. "Im sorry that I took so long" I said. "Its okay" she said. I looks at her from head to toe. "I didn't think it was possible but you look more beautiful Angel" I said. I see her blush.

"Shall we Angel " I extend out my hand. She hold it and gets up. "Where are we going " she asked. "Not telling"I said. She did a cute little pout. I felt kinda bad but I wanted to surprise her.  The place where we were going was at a walking distance.

Once we were there, her eyes light up. "You bought me to a carnival?" She asked. "Is that bad?"I asked. She shook her head. I was happy that I chose this. I wanted someplace where she can be herself and not have to worry about being someone who she isn't is. I chuckled at her reaction. I bought some tickets for the rides and games.

We walked around and saw that she stopped at a game. She looked at teddy bear. "Do you want that teddy bear?" I asked her. "Please "she said. I nodded and paid for the game. It was a basketball game. I smirked and wanted to look cool in front of her. I won and asked for the teddy bear. With the bear in my arms, I handed it to her. "Here you go Angel" I said. She hugged it and smiled. "Thank you "she said . I smiled and thought that it was going to be a good date. Boy was I wrong?

Hello peeps. I know I haven't updated. Im sorry. But here it is. Oh guys what you guys liked to be called. Comment below. Hope you guys like it

His AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora