The Meeting

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Hey guys, author here, I thought of a story in my head and decided that I should actually write it down as a X Male story too see if anyone would actually read this story. If you want me to, I will write more stories like this, possibly even requests.

Somewhere in South Korea

"Sir! We've got multiple enemy contacts moving towards our position!" The Talon operative exclaimed to his commander.

"How many? And what direction?" The Commander inquired.

The Commander briskly walked across the small command center, stuffed full of computers, monitors, and several weapon racks. Leaning over the operator's shoulder, and observing the screen in front of the agent.

"Unknown sir, and it appears that the contacts have surrounded us on out South, North, and West sides."

Frowning, the Commander stands up straight, "I want the troops to be alert, but I don't want there to be any sort of indication that we've been tipped off to their whereabouts. It could even be the Wyvern and his troops."

A dark shadow descends into the room from one of the doors, standing several inches above the Commander. It almost feels like the room has dropped several degrees.

"What's this about the Wyvern Commander?" The shadowy man demands.

"S-Sir, it appears that we have multiple enemies surrounding out position an-"

"I heard that part Commander, but what about the Wyvern?!"

"The way these soldiers are positioned, and the fact that we've only spotted them at this point, it's just a gut instinct."

The shadowy man grunts in response, appearing to be satisfied with the answer given to him. And slithers out of the door, appearing to have been made out of mist, the chill in the room also leaves with the mysterious man.

The Commander, although being quite shaken, still has some of his wits about him looks at one of the other operators in the room and orders them to go and give a general alert warning. Extrapolating the need for discretion avoid alerting the enemy forces.

In the jungles around the Talon FOB (Forward Operating Base)

A tall man crawls toward several camouflaged humans laying down on a set of rocks, reaching the others, the man taps one of them on the soldier on their black combat boots. The soldier looks back at the man and states, "Hey Lieutenant, out squads have been positioned around the FOB like you'd want it. Standard procedure."

"Good, I don't want to start moving in for a while, we've got the sun getting ready to set, and we can have the West side push in first, letting them use their NVs' and knocking out Talon's ability to use theirs."  You state, whilst pulling out his binoculars to scan the base.

Looking into the base you see several heavy weapon emplacements set up along the walls and several armored vehicles. The watchtowers appear to have high powered spotlights that are currently inactive, looking in past the walls, there is an inner compound, a high sitting building, just a few meters shorter than the outer walls. No windows, and the one door facing towards you appears to be a heavy gauge steel, and probably just as thick as the bunker quality cement the building was built with.

"Sir?" One of the other soldiers asks, a female, dressed no differently than her male counterparts.

"There's not too much movement in the compound, hold on."

Leaning forward, you spot a difference in the shadows around the door facing towards you, but the door doesn't even appear to have opened very far, maybe an inch or two. But there is a shadow moving quickly across the ground, not accompanied to a person. Several seconds later, the door is opened fully, and a soldier starts walking out of the building, the man walks with a purpose, and is not armed with a rifle. Most likely a REMF (Rear Echelon Mother Fucker) getting some time off. Looking closer, you spot that the man is clutching the pistol holster on his side.

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