A better understanding

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So, the poll came in and it was a landslide, 2 votes, for me to have this story be a bit of a lemon and a basic romance story. I'm really wanting to write this story, but occasionally just don't feel in the mood to write. I'm going to try to start writing more than one chapter when I'm in the mood, and just publish one of them at a time. I've found myself kinda wandering from Overwatch lately, and I'm trying to think of the best way to continue the story in a way that doesn't drag it out, but still has character development. But, let's get to the story.

Y/n's perspective

I'd been here for a couple of weeks, still unable to travel without causing attention. I'd been trying to focus and whatever I could to keep my mind from idling. Whether it be working out, thinking of better weapon and armor designs, or helping D.Va with her MEKA. Genji had tried to question me more about what happened with his spirit, why it talked to me, and how I had been able to respond to it. I was blunt to him about it and told him that if he kept asking, I'd break his knees and make sure he felt it. Genji still pestered me after the warnings, until I hit him with D.Va's bench rest table, seeing as it weighed more than all of the weights she had in her gym. That finally got what I meant through his head, and decided to leave it alone for now.

I'm not by character a mean person, but paranoia and being straightforward with everything I do, it kinda seems like I am. D.Va's asked me a couple of questions out of the blue, and since they weren't related to what Overwatch really wanted to know, I answered them. D.Va had been really polite and kind with me staying in her home, so I'd been trying to help her as much as possible to try to make up for my being here. I figure the sooner I get out of her hair, the better. I don't want to cause her any sort of trouble. I was always accused of having a protective streak a mile wide when it concerned anyone that I cared about, with that list being entirely too short. I'm not quite sure why I care about her that much, but, she's really likeable, with a good personality and good intentions. I guess she's kinda stuck to me, always seems to happen to people with attitudes like that.

Speak of the devil, and she shall appear. D.Va was walking into the designated room she had for her MEKA unit, it just being a sectioned off part of her garage. She looks, sad. Not something that she usually is, and never should be. She's walking with a purpose towards me, head held low, rubbing her eyes. Can't be good.

D.Va's perspective

Once I'd heard the news, I had to get yo Y/n, I really didn't want to let him know, but knew that I had to tell him. I really didn't want him to be hurt like this would hurt him. I'd managed to get him to open up a little. And I knew how bad this would be, he'd told me that he doesn't really have a family. The closest he's had to that is his platoons, and now, he has no one.

Time skip

I watched as Y/n sank to the floor, his mouth twitching, his eyes covered by the same rag he'd put over them weeks ago. He drops the crescent wrench he'd been holding in his left hand, it pinging off of the ground. He sits there, looking at the ground, seemingly trying to process what I'd just told him.

"Gone like that, huh." Y/n mumbles, his voice quivering.

I stand there, not knowing what to say to him.

"I'd held hope that they'd made it out, best of the best. But I guess that new tech gave Talon enough of an edge to make a trade." He says, his voice slowly breaking into raw emotions. Something that I'd never seen from him, not even when he was fighting Reaper.

"I'd known them for three years, knew each person as well as I could. But the biggest twist? No one in those platoons had any family members, no one to miss them. It was my idea that got them killed. I thought that we should take people like them, stick them together and send them to fight, no more children without parents, no crying family members. They were all volunteers, all willing to do it, now they're gone." He quietly states, as if on the confession stand, admitting his fault in all this.

He reaches up and moves the rag over his eyes, his hand wiping away the tears streaming down his face. I crouch down next to him, and give him an unexpected hug, wishing that it could be different for him. He's already suffered, and now what he was holding of for is gone. He gently grabs my arm reaching in front of him. He pulls it away from him slowly, and turns to look me in the eyes. I stare mesmerized, looking into his eyes. His left eye (from Y/n's perspective) is a dark red, and his right eye is a whitish gray color.  Completely transfixed on looking into his eyes, it takes me a second to understand what he just said.

"You know, you don't have to force yourself to act this kind to me. I can understand you feeling indebted to me for me saving you, but, you don't have to go this far to try to help me in return." He states, seemingly dejected, but trying to be polite to me. He stands up, gently sliding out of my arms, pats me on my head gently, and limps away. I sit there, unable to form the words to explain to him that I have feelings for him, and that I enjoy helping him, I just enjoy being around him.

Genji's perspective

I'd heard the news report about the Lightning King's platoons. D.Va had walked out of the room, presumably to talk to him. I could tell that they had something akin to a understanding. I'd kept my nose away from him after the gym incident. D.Va had actually gotten him to answer some of her questions, but hadn't shared any of the answers with me. I'd waited a couple of minutes before I went in the direction D.Va had gone. When I got into the garage, I saw her, sitting on the floor. I gently padded over to her, kneeling down, I put my right hand on her shoulder.

"Hana? Is everything okay?"

"Huh, oh, hey Genji." She says somberly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's fine, I just needed a moment to think." She answers, seemingly in a slightly better mood than moments before.

"All right then, I'll be heading out to head to my new assignment, your new handler should be here soon." I say, believing her answer somewhat.

"You know who it is?" Hana requests, whist slowly standing up.

"Sadly, no I do not."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later then. See ya soon." Hana looks at me and smiles as much as she can.

"I hope we can talk at a better time, Hana." I say to her as we both part ways, me heading out the door in the garage, while she heads back into the house.

Y/n's perpesctive

I was really glad that D.Va had been so nice to me, but I felt really bad that she had probably been doing to try and make up for the fact that I had saved her. I'd been nothing but baggage for the girl, and I didn't want to have her worry over me, I'm nothing that she should have to deal with. I'd managed to pack my belongings into my knapsack, I grabbed my cartridge belt with my two pistols on it, and slipped it on. I grabbed my cloak (http://pre04.deviantart.net/2e80/th/pre/f/2012/037/8/f/gildarts_clive_render_by_muri_swan-d4ouzqv.png Kinda like that, but with a hood that can come out) and set it on the bed. I did a quick sweep of the room to make sure that it was as clean as possible. I was in the process of grabbing the knapsack off the bed when the door opened.

And I'll be a dick and leave this chapter there. I'll try to update soon. See ya then.

Overwatch D.va X [Male] ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz