Unknown Feelings

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So, I've decided to binge write this next chapter only a day after I released the last one.


I'm taking a poll from my readers to see if they want this to be a Lemon story, or what. I'll check the results in a few days to see what people say, if they even vote, please do so that I know what people want.

Y/n's perspective

"Sir, I'm getting tired of you asking me to tell you, despite the fact that you wouldn't be able to understand or even believe the answer." I say, with respect, but starting to show a little bit of annoyance in my voice.

Soldier 76 looks at me with annoyance towards the fact I refused to tell him anything about the weapon beyond it's destructive capabilities. Even then, I kept a lot of information from him, he has no need to know what it's capable of.

"Fine, but what if I got one of the Shimadas here for you to explain it to?" He asks gruffly, trying to bargain with me.

"They don't need to know, you didn't need to know. It's better for everyone if you just leave the subject alone. I'll tell you one last thing if you don't touch the subject." I say, determined to not give out too much information.

He cocks his head at my response, seemingly intrigued by my offer. He pauses all movement for a few seconds before he nods his head in acknowledgement to the deal.

"This 'weapon' will never be used to it's full power unless there's an extinction level event inbound that cannot be stopped any other way. And it won't be the U.S. using it." I state flatly.

Soldier seems somewhat content with this little tidbit of information, and continues down the hall to where he has been staying. He announced earlier to D.Va that he and Dr. Ziegler would be leaving for other missions, and that a different handler would be sent to watch over us. What he really meant was to watch over me to try to see if I gave out any more information.

Several days later

Y/n's perspective

I'd been trying to get back into shape as soon as possible, ignoring Dr. Ziegler's opinions on how it would take me to recover. If my wounds hadn't killed me withing the first day or two, I would recover regardless. I didn't have the luxury of taking my time, sitting around someone's house bumming off of them. The new 'handler' should be arriving sometime today, hopefully it wasn't anyone who would annoy me to the point of threatening them to shut up.

Hana had a decent set of light-weights, but nothing heavy enough for me to do any serious exercises, I would have taken it light anyway, but all of these weights were too light for a warmup in my current condition. I wasn't going to ask for anything, the only reason why I was here was because I was physically incapable of traveling back to the U.S. without causing suspicion and creating a scene.

Authors note, I had my youtube playing in the background and somehow ended up here, https://gyazo.com/c8f4d7742e3a434a4c067531abb82e27

Wot the actual fok? Anyways, back to the story!

D.Va's perspective

The old coot had asked me to try and keep the soldier here until the handler got here. I don't even know his name, all I can really call him is either Wyvern or Lightning King, and both of those don't feel right for me to say. At least he hadn't tried to leave, but whenever I had tried to talk to him, I felt queasy, not to mention the fact that he didn't really have a shirt to wear, so he usually walked around shirtless. I had no problems with that besides the fact that I couldn't suppress the blush that would come to my cheeks, but I don't think he's noticed. For someone who's a soldier, he's actually really pale, but it really defines the scars on him not to mention... Wait, why am I thinking about that!? I don't even know his real name, I've barely said anything to him, I can't think like this. Although, I was really interested in why he insisted on wearing that cloth over his eyes, if they're anything like what the rest of him is like, they're to die for. Especially with his black and white hair, it doesn't make him look old, quite the opposite, they're more like highlights in his hair instead of it turning white with age.

Genji's perspective

When I got the orders from Winston that I'd be watching a VIP and Hana, I had felt saddened that I wouldn't be of great use to my comrades. I had been given the information that we had on this VIP, and that had changed my feelings quite radically. The fact that a man like this said something about my family most likely understanding a weapon like this, peaked my interest. It had been tricky getting to Hana's house whilst not being spotted, which had caused the delay in my arrival. Knocking on the front door of the house, I let my thoughts wander to what could possibly be so special about my bloodline.

Y/n's perspective

I heard knocking on the door, but didn't bother to answer it, if it wasn't the handler, questions would be raised as to why I was here, something that wasn't needed. Finishing up with the weights, I head back to the room that had been set aside for me to use. The room looked exactly as all of the other rooms, not a thing out of place beyond my battered and beaten equipment laying on one of the bedside tables. Sitting down on the bed, I begin to plan how long it will take for me to head back to the U.S. and report to my superiors. Ignoring the time that quickly passed by, until someone knocked on the door to the room. I manage to stand my self up and hobble to the door, swinging it open, I see what at first glance appears to be an omnic. Upon further inspection I recognize the traits common on Genji 'Sparrow' Shimada's cyborg body. That, along with the fact that he had a light green dragon curled around his right arm.

"Ah, so you must be the VIP I was told about." He says nearly emotionlessly.

"There ain't anything special about me."

"Not from what I've been told, may I come in?"

Shrugging, I begin to hobble back to sit down on the bed. Genji makes his way to the chair Hana had brought in for whatever reason. After I managed to sit back down, I glare at Genji, waiting for him to question me. We sit there for several minutes, waiting to see who cracks first, the battle already decided.

"Why did you say that my family would be able to understand this weapon?" The cyborg questions.

"Mainly due to beliefs, what people were raised with knowing. Your family would understand better due to your dragons." I mention, pointing at the dragon curling around his right arm.

Genji appears taken back by the fact I can see something that even he cannot see.

"How are you able to see the dragon when my blade is sheathed?" Genuine curiosity cracks through, along with surprise.

The small dragon looks at me, and I lock eyes with it. Genji appears shocked when the dragon becomes visible around his arm to him, and even more so when the dragon snakes to the floor and bows to the best of it's ability.

"Why is it doing that?"

Before I can give a response, the dragon speaks in a guttural tongue, almost musical, but impossible to understand to those who don't speak it. Genji looks down at the spirit, almost scared at these new revelations. The dragon feels it's master's gaze upon it, and speaks what few words it knows to give it's master a reason.

"Lightning... King, this man, mighty Wyvern is King." It says, with plenty of pauses between several of the words. This language being difficult for the little dragon to speak.

Genji's perspective

What could my spirit mean by him being a king? Before anything more can run through my head, Wyvern replies to my spirit in the same guttural yet sing-song language, yet it sounds different, almost more powerful in the way the words are spoken, even more melodic. My spirit replies, and slithers back up my right arm and disappears. I look up at the supposed king,

"What did you say to my dragon spirit?" The only reasonable thought that I can manage to hold onto for more than a second.

"Nothing hugely important, now, if you excuse me." The Lightning King gets up and starts limping towards the door. "Oh, one more thing," He says, not even looking back. "That's not a dragon, it a dargon, the smaller cousin to a true dragon."

And that's done, so, just to let you guys know, I'm going to be using dargon as my definition of a smaller cousin to dragons. Something important for the future. Don't forget to do the poll!


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