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Hello again readers, I shall be continuing this story. Comment any sort of suggestions/ideas you may have.

Somewhere over South Korea

Soldier 76's perspective

Glancing towards the rear of the ship, I took a good look at the soldier laying on the stretcher, unmoving. It was strange to think that the U.S. would be conducting special forces operations in the territory of one of their closest allies, and not even inform them of their presence. I'd talked to every source I had and still couldn't come up with anything solid on the name Wyvern. Just scattered rumors that were probably exaggerated, I doubt someone could cause as much destruction as some of the stories claimed. D.Va had explained what happened to me, she's acting really shaken about this. Can't blame her though, watched the guy who saved her life nearly die, and then watch him rip someone's leg off. Christ, this guy is brutal, but it seems effective.

"76, we're nearly at the rendezvous point where Dr. Ziegler is supposed to meet us." The pilot stated, having worked with these people before, he was pretty well read in on what they were doing.

Nodding towards the pilot, I walked towards the rear of the cabin to inform the others. D.Va was finally asleep, passed out with her head leaning on the metal hull of the helicopter. Seeing no need to wake her when she needed the sleep, I headed to Ana Amari.

"What's the word, Jack?" The medic questions.

"We're nearly at the rendezvous point, but where are we going to find a place to lie low until we can question this guy?" I stated gruffly.

D.Va's perspective

I cracked my eyes and heard Soldier talking to Ana, sitting up, I listened in to their conversation. When I heard Soldier asking about a safe house, i started thinking about where we could stay.

"We can stay at my house until we find a better location." I blurted with thinking.

The two operatives looked at me, glanced at each other, and nodded towards me, showing their approval. I glanced towards the Marine, Wyvern. Now that we were in a little bit better lighting, I could see his features better. Ana had left the headband that covered his eyes on, giving him a little bit of respect. From what I had seen, he had two vertical scars, one going over each eye. His combat jacket and under shirt had been taken, showing his well muscled and toned chest. Surprisingly enough, he was very pale, the scars that weren't covered by bandages showing visibly on his skin. There were some interesting tattoos that peeked over from his back, going onto his chest an inch or two. And a few tendrils on his arms, I hadn't gotten a look at his back, but I assumed that there was a larger tattoo on his back.

"We're two mikes (minutes) out from the landing zone, prepare for departure. I've informed Dr. Ziegler of the changes in the plan where you guys are going to lie low." The pilot calmly said over the intercom in the cabin.

Ana got up and proceeded to make sure the IV bags were securely attached to the stretcher. 76 grabbed Wyvern's equipment and held it in his left hand, the Marine's gun attached to his backpack. I stood up and waited next to the stretcher, prepared to help move it to the vehicle that had brought Mercy here. 76 slid the door open, and watched the ground come closer to the helicopter.

Dr. Ziegler's perspective

I had been waiting for a few minutes, preparing the medical equipment that I had managed to grab before I had been rushed here from Germany. Glancing towards the sky, I saw a shadow moving towards the ground, the grass moving. Completely silent, this helicopter stealthing technology had been developed by an anonymous American. The helicopter landed and Jack wasted no time in hopping out and making sure the area was secure. I rushed over to the helicopter and helped Ana and Hana unload the stretcher with the wounded man on out of the helicopter. Ana began firing the various different things that she had only been able to delay.

"Left arm is missing most of the skin and muscle at the shoulder, main arteries weren't hit, but still bleeding regardless. Right knee took serious damage, femoral artery wasn't completely severed, but was punctured,  I managed to put a tourniquet on his leg and slow the bleeding. various different chest wounds, one lung had begun to fill with blood, but I managed to lead a hose into it and pump most of the blood out of it. He took a hit below the trachea, between his shoulders. None of the main arteries were hit, but some of the buckshot hit his vocal cords. He'd lost plenty of blood, but I managed to get a few salin bags into him to keep some in his system."

I processed all of the information given to me, he was a very critical case. Winston had said he wanted to know what this man had been doing around a Talon main base. Reaching the back of the van, I slid the door open and lifted the stretcher with the help of Ana up into the back. We rolled him to the middle of the open area and strapped the stretcher down. I looked at D.Va, who had just kinda been trailing behind.

"Hana, you should go sit upfront with 76, there's not much you can do to help him right now." I said with as much sympathy as I could muster.

She nodded at me and walked towards the front of the van.

And that shall be a wrap for today. I'll try to update when I get the time. I might procrastinate a bit, so just leave a comment asking for another chapter and i'll get around to it.

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