What weapon?

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Hey guys, sorry about not writing for a while, I've been really busy with work and just haven't gotten around to updating the new chapter. I'll be back in school in a week, so I'm not going to update as often most likely. I'll try to keep a regular schedule since this story has gotten a good number of views, but probably not every two days like I offered. Enough ranting though, time to get back to what you're really here for!

Mercy's perspective

Glancing towards the bed linked to the bathroom, I look at my last patient. Bandages already soaked with blood, empty syringes lying around on the various bed stands I'd had Jack bring in to give us some space to keep some tools. After Ana and I had gotten through the most crucial parts, I had urged her to go and fly back to the nearest outpost to rest and prepare for the next mission she would need to be on. Morrison was looking through what supplies Hana had lying around her house, seeing if there was enough in case we needed to hide out here for a while. While I can understand his paranoia, it still irritates me that he can't really relax.

I try to keep my mind off of all the things running through my head as I clean up as much of the mess as I can. All of the nagging thoughts edging into my consciousness, Jack told me he'd been briefed as by Winston, but I hadn't heard what he'd been told. Grabbing a clean towel, I dry off my hands and dispose of the rubber gloves laying next to the sink. Walking towards the young man laying on the bed, I check his vitals on the monitors situated next to the bed. Seeing that they were fairly adequate, I walked out of the room and shut the door. Walking down the hall towards where I assumed the kitchen would be, I manage to find Morrison sitting at the counter, with a paper and pen. He mumbles as he looks at the writing on the paper, seemingly frustrated with whatever it was he was doing. I brush past him and open some of the cupboards, looking of anything edible that wasn't going to give me a heart attack.

D.Va's perspective

76 had told me to stay out of the bedroom that Ana and Dr. Ziegler had setup all of the medical equipment in, saying that they needed to concentrate to work on the soldier. I had sat in a corner of my house, watching the door to the bedroom, waiting. I hadn't gotten to thank the soldier for what he'd done.

I hoped that he didn't die, I felt guilty that he was in this situation because of me. I had been overconfident, I had gotten tunnel vision, and worst of all, I just wasn't good enough to have taken on that base all by myself. These thoughts running through my head whilst I waited for Mercy to walk out.

When she finally did, I waited for her to get down the hall before I got up and entered the room. Seeing no chairs in the room, I uncomfortably sit on the edge of the bed next to him. I don't know why I'm acting like this, usually I'm really upbeat and nothing gets me down, but, I just don't feel right. I never wait, I always have to have something now, but I guess I'm going to have to wait to talk to him.

Mercy's perspective

I had gotten Jack to give me what information Winston had told him, and now I was arguing with him about the status of that information.

"How can you think that the U.S. would only give a weapon of that power to one man!? There's more to it than that, I can guarantee that there's something about who this man is that attributes to that." I argued, not even looking over my shoulder at Morrison.

"Mercy, are you suggesting that it's not a U.S. weapon, but a personal one? That's insane, there's no way that it could be something this guy's been toting around with him, besides, we checked him and he doesn't have anything beyond actual, lead bullets. It's the only conclusion, Occam's razor, the more assumptions--"

"Yes, yes, I took basic science classes Jack. But look at the big picture, if the U.S. had a weapon of this destructive capability, why haven't they used it to eliminate the new omnic threat, along with the rising threat of other countries? It has to be something that this single soldier has." I demand.

"You also forget Ziegler, that this grunt is supposed to be smart enough to give Einstein and Steven Hawking combined a run for their money. They could be using that to have accurate reports of the weapons effects in the field, and could just be preparing it for even more destructive potential." Soldier counteracts.

"You're both wrong." An unknown, but stern voice says.

I flip around at the unknown voice, wondering who it could be. There, standing in the doorway, leaning on Hana, is the soldier.

Y/n's perspective

Placing my left leg forward, I lean a little bit more on the girl I had saved, Hana, or D.Va, as she said most people call her by that. She gets the hint that I want to walk forward, and she helps me move to one of the bar stools sitting next to the counter. Placing my right hand on the counter, I manage to sit down and swivel towards the two people gawking at me.

"You guys are letting what you know limit what you're thinking about. And guessing from the jacket and the face of the most famous doctor in the world, I'm now in the custody of 'Overwatch?'" I say, the word Overwatch emphasized in the sentence.

The two continue to gawk at me, whilst D.Va is sitting out of eyesight, but withing earshot of the conversation. I guess I do look a little strange, my black and white hair unkempt and disheveled from being under my helmet, and a rag tied over my eyes, covering them completely.

Dr. Ziegler motions with her fingers towards the rag over my eyes, I simply shrug and give a non-committal grunt, not wanting to give a proper answer.

Finally Commander Morrison breaks the silence. "What do you mean our limits holding back our thoughts?"

"To put it simply Commander, you're thinking too in the box, from what I've read, your new Overwatch has a couple of agents who would be able to understand this weapon at a better level. It's not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of belief and what you know. The Shimadas, I do believe is their surname." I say with a curt nod towards Morrison.

"What makes you believe that we can't understand this weapon?" Dr. Ziegler questions, her curiosity peaked.

"I say that because it's not really a weapon, not in the way that most people think of one."

And on that note, I'm glad that I got this chapter posted, so I can get to reading @Kythiane

and his new story that he's posted. I'll try to update as soon as I reasonably can.

Overwatch D.va X [Male] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now