Chapter One

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I can't believe this is happening. How did this happen? Why did this happen? I'm guessing you're confused right now with me just ranting about "this" so let me introduce myself and explain. My name is electra holliday i am a sheriff's deputy well used to be. To sum it up the world has went to hell. The dead walk among us. We were all supposed to go to atlanta but they destroyed it now we are hanging out in the mountains. By we i mean me, shane, lori and carl. Shane is a co worker we both worked for rick grimes. The man of my dreams. But lori is his wife and carl is his son, but hey a girl can dream right. Carl is like my best friend me and him always hang out he is like my own son you could say. It's not like his mom pays any attention to him it's all about shane. Every sense rick died she has been all on shane. I have seen them sleeping together. Yes "like that" poor rick. I'm still mourning his death I won't even talk to anyone but carl and daryl. But lori got over him in one day it seams. Figures sometimes i wonder if she even ever loved him. I did, I loved him more than anyone can say. He is gone now though. One minute he was beside me and we were shooting at a few criminals that we just got and then he was on the ground. He was in the hospital when all this happened and now we are here. Now your caught up. Now you know why i'm freaking out with a bunch of questions. I can only hope Somehow, Someway everything will be okay.

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