Chapter three

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It has been a few days sense rick showed up. and a lot has went
down. Andrea told rick about Lori and Shane's affair and Daryl kissed then Rick kissed me. my entire world is spinning faster than i would like. Who would i choose if it came down to it. i don't want to hurt either person my stupid heart can't decide what it want's. Well it can it just wants both. Trust me I wouldn't mind it but i know they both definitely would. sometimes i wonder if im messed up in the head and trust me the answer is yes. "What are you thinking about ?" Daryl says from beside me, yes i moved into his tent, and no Rick doesn't know. "Just.... about me moving into your tent, it makes me feel safer." I had to lie i couldn't just say " oh just about how 5 minutes after you kissed me rick did the same thing". That wouldn't have gone well. "Well i know it was a quick move but im glad your here." He said smiling at me. "I'm glad im here to" i said smiling back. For all that was going on no matter what i felt safe here in daryls arms and i knew it would work out. i knew that i would have to worry about this situation but my brain decided i should worry about it another time for my eyes began to droop. "Goodnight baby " i heard daryl whisper as i fell into a peaceful and deep sleep.

hey guys so i know i said i would try to post two chapters per week but i threw a third one at all cause it is the beginning of the book and i;m full of ideas right now and want to get them all out so here is chapter three hope you enjoyed be sure to like this and spread the word to your friends for them to read it

chapter by : katie

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