Chapter two

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I sat by daryl leaning on his shoulder, we had woken up before the sun and watched it rise. "The sun is beautiful" i said softly smiling at the way the sun turned the sky a beautiful purple and orange color. "Yes she is" daryl said, but when i looked up he was looking at me and not the sun. This made me blush a little and that made him smile. I couldn't help but think of how lucky i was in that moment. There i was sitting next to the perfect guy watching a beautiful sunrise, how could i start the day better than that. Later that day i looked up to see a cube van pulling into camp. Andrea and morales piled out and ran to their family then what happened next flipped my world upside down. There rick stood looking at me then next thing i knew we were running to each other and before i knew it we were in each other's arms crying and holding each other close. "I found you" he whispered into my ear and this made my stomach do flips. "You found me " was all i could say back. "Dad!" i hear carl yell and rick runs to him embracing him and dropping to his knees and i saw lori make eye contact with shane she was not pleased and then she went to hugging her son and husband. I looked down and listened to my heart pound in my ears. The love of my life was alive and he was here in front of me. But then i begin to remember, I'm falling for daryl dixon. This can not be good.

Hey guys it's katie im sorry i kinda quit on my other story so here i am coming at you with a walking dead story. Should i let the love triangle happen or should they share? Or should she choose? And if thats the case who should she choose ? thanks for all the support and be sure to keep on reading.

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