S2 Ch. 2

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I woke up to see a blindly light squinting my eyes to see. I was laying down on a bed in a... hospital? I look to my right and I see my mom laying down lifeless on a separate bed. I heard the door to the room open.

"Oh my god, Doctor, she's awoken!" It was a nurse. The doctor came running in to me.

"Hello, how are you feeling?"

"I feel... fine. What happened to me?" He looked down.

"You had a panic attack and fainted from hyperventilating." Right, I do that a lot during my attacks without realizing it. I looked to my mom with a sad expression. Please still be alive.

"Your mom... she didn't survive. She passed a little while ago. We thought that if you saw her when you awoke you would stay calm since your aunt and uncle didn't feel comfortable staying in the room." My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. My eyes brimmed with tears I had to close my open though so I could swallow do the tears wouldn't flow out.

"Do you want your aunt and uncle to come in? They are still here in the building." I nodded. I know it's just Wiishu and Jack, but at least they can explain a bit more about what happened. The doctor walked out to grab them both.

I sat up as slowly as I could so I wouldn't harm my chest. I sat up in the direction of my deceased mother. I was still holding back tears just seeing her like this I couldn't bare it.

"Hey, I am sorry if you are intruding." i turned to the entrance if the room. It was Jack and Wiishu.

"No, your not. Please, come in." They sat close to me and sat silently. I broke the silence with a question.

"Why are you guys still here? I mean, I know how nice you guys are, but don't you have your own YouTube stuff?" They looked at me shocked.

"We... we thought that we were needed to help you. You seemed so scared and we both didn't want you to go through this alone. You are still just a kid." Jack explained and all I could do was smile.

"Thank you... Jack and Wiishu-"

"Please, call us Sean and Signe." Wii- Signe stopped me as I called them back your YouTube names. I then thought to myself and I assumed that they didn't want any of the doctors or nurses to find out they are just strangers to me and my mother.

"Okay, thank you Signe and Sean." I smiled my best smile for them both. They seemed to be more comfortable now. Suddenly the door opened once again.

"Hello, since this girl's mother has passed we must give her to either relatives or the orphanage so, we need you to sign these papers if you want to keep her." The doctor handed the papers to Sean and he left us to talk. They both looked to each other in shock.

"Uh... They do know they we are not your real aunt and uncle, right?" Sean looked to me.

"I don't know." I think that doctor might know something. He seemed too calm.

"Wait Sean, look at the papers! It say adoption papers, but it's not for relatives. It says it's from the orphanage not for the hospital. He does know!" Sean and I look at the paper.

"Not for use of relatives..."

I looked to them and they both swallow and look at each other.

"Should we?" Sean spoke and Signe and riped the paper out of his hands.

"Of course, we can't just give her off to some oprahange. It's bad that anyone has to go there!" She began to write fiercely.

"I'll even put her last name as mine if it makes you feel any matter." She gave the paper to Sean so he could finish it off.

"No, no need. She is ours." We writes his and your name."

"Y/N McLoughlin"

Adopted By Jacksepticeye?!Where stories live. Discover now