The Family Grows (Thriller Era)

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Five weeks after Michael won a record-breaking eight awards after the Grammys, something strange was happening to you. You had been feeling unusually tired for the past few days, and your stomach was hurting. Of course, Michael was very worried about you and encouraged you to see a doctor, but you tried to put it off by saying you would be fine in a few days. However, you gave in when you started to feel sick after eating breakfast that morning. You let Michael call a doctor to come and run some tests.

"Is anything wrong?" you asked.

"No, quite the opposite," said the doctor.

"So what's going on?" Michael said while holding your hand.

"Looks like you two are going to be parents."

"I'm pregnant?" you looked down at your belly.

"Yes. The baby should come in November."

You were afraid that Michael might be upset, but he ended up being more excited than you had ever seen him. "I'm going to be a father!" Michael hugged you tightly.

"Careful, don't hurt the baby!" You said in a slightly nervous tone.

"What's wrong, y/n?" said Michael, clearly noticing the difference in your tone.

"I'm scared. What if I can't handle being pregnant?"

"Don't worry, baby. I'll help you." Michael kissed your cheek. "You're going to be a great mother."

The next nine months of your lives were dedicated to preparing for your baby to be born. Michael prepared a room in your house where you could comfortably give birth without having to go to a hospital and deal with crowds of paparazzi, and the two of you worked together to design a room for the baby. Naturally, the two of you also shared ideas for baby names.

"If it's a boy, I want to name it Prince," said Michael. "It's a Jackson family tradition."

You suggested naming the baby Kat if it was a girl, after Michael's mother, Katherine.

"That's a cute name. I like it!" Michael smiled.

After a few months, Michael decided to invite Rebbie to stay at Neverland for a while to help you adjust to pregnancy and becoming a mother. You thought it wasn't necessary, but you welcomed the advice Rebbie gave you. The rest of Michael's family was also extremely supportive, although Jermaine seemed a little upset sometimes. You figured it was because your pregnancy had forced Michael to cancel the Jacksons' planned Victory Tour. Your own family waited until just a few weeks before the baby was due to come visit you since they were so busy. 

About a month before the baby was due, you started to have a lot of pain from the baby kicking and moving around in your stomach. "Mikey, are you sure something's not wrong?"

"The doctor said it's just the baby moving around," Michael said as he put his hand on your stomach.

"Oh, but it hurts. And my belly feels twice as big as it should be."

"The baby will be big and strong." Michael kneeled down to the level of your stomach. "You need to calm down in there so your mommy will feel better."

Three weeks later, you and Michael were asleep when a sudden pain woke you up. At first, you thought it was the baby kicking again, but the pain continued until you realized what was really happening.

"Michael! Michael! Wake up!" you said frantically while shaking him. "MICHAEL!"

Michael slowly opened his eyes and turned towards you."What is it?"

"I'm going into labor!"

Michael immediately got up and helped you stand. "I'll get you to the delivery room." Michael took you to the soft bed where you would deliver your baby. "I'm calling the doctor. I'll get Rebbie to stay with you," he said as he left the room. A few minutes later, Rebbie came in and sat by your bed. 

"Ow!" Your pain was getting more intense by the minute. 

"It's okay. Just breathe," said Rebbie.

"OUCH!" A sharp pain pierced your stomach.

"Here. This might help." Rebbie gave you a pillow to hold onto to help you cope with the pain. "Just keep breathing!"

After what felt like hours, Michael came in. "The doctor says she's on her way, but there's a lot of traffic where she's coming from. She may be a little lat-"

An even deeper pain hit and you let out a scream. "I don't think we can wait on the doctor!"

Rebbie helped you give birth while Michael sat next to you and comforted you. The labor seemed to take forever and all you could do was scream.Everything else was a blur because you were in so much pain. Then, the pain calmed down and you were suddenly aware of what was going on around you. Michael and Rebbie were looking at you with smiles on their faces. 

"You did it, y/n," Michael said.

"The doctor came in before you actually delivered and sent us out," Rebbie explained.

The doctor came in carrying two little bundles and looked at you and Michael. "Congratulations, you are now the parents of twins."

"Twins?" you and Michael said in unison.

"A boy and a girl."

"No wonder my stomach was so big," you smiled.

You and Michael looked at your beautiful children. The little girl looked a lot like Michael, and she even had a little puff of curly black hair on her head. The boy looked more like you. Michael named the boy Prince Michael Jackson, and you named the girl Kat Rebbie Jackson.

"Aww, you named her after me!" Rebbie held Kat while Michael held Prince.

"Hello Prince, I'm your father." Michael let you hold him for a while.

"I'm your mom, and I love you very much." The joy of holding Prince in your arms was worth the pain of giving birth.

Michael was holding Kat. "She's already smiling. Hello, Kat. Welcome to the world."

You could hear Kat's adorable baby giggles.

"Here, Prince, let your Aunt Rebbie hold you." You handed Prince to Rebbie and took Kat from Michael's arms. Kat had the same smile as her father.

The doctor told you to rest because of the intensity of giving birth to twins, so you fell asleep and dreamed of watching Prince and Kat grow up together.

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