Hurting Part 4 (Dangerous Era)

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You had just arrived home after having a girl's day with Janet when you heard something fall on the floor upstairs. You quickly ran up to see what was going on. You went into your bedroom and saw Michael lying on the floor with a pill bottle in his hand.
"MICHAEL!" You quickly started shaking him, hoping you could wake him up. He barely had a pulse and you couldn't feel him breathing. "Stay with me, baby! I'm getting help." You ran to the phone and called 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My husband overdosed on painkillers!"
After you explained everything, the operator assured you that an ambulance was on its way.
You did CPR on Michael, hoping you could revive him. "Please don't leave me! I need you!" you said through tears.
After three and a half minutes of CPR, you still couldn't feel him breathing, and now you couldn't even feel a pulse.
"Please, Mike, please, don't be..."
You tried another two minutes of CPR, but it didn't help. Your body started to shake. You laid your head on his chest and didn't feel the familiar sound of his heart beating. "No, no, no..."

You woke up sweating and shaking. You glanced to your right and saw Michael sleeping beside you. Still in a panic, you shook him until he woke up.
"But Tito, it's our day off," he muttered, still half asleep.
"Michael! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be..." Michael turned to you and instantly had a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He sat up and gave you a hug.
"I-I had a nightmare. You took too many pills again and died."
"You got rid of those pills weeks ago, remember?"
You remembered now. Michael had been released from the hospital a month ago. Since you had thrown out the pills, he had experienced some symptoms of withdrawal but had mostly been coping very well with your support.
"I know, but it felt so real!" You ran your fingers through his hair and snuggled up in his embrace.
"I'm right here. I know you worry, but I really am getting better."
Before he had time to prepare, you gave him a passionate kiss. He was here, he was alive. "I worry because I love you."
"I know, baby. I love you, too." Michael kissed you back.

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