Camera (Invincible era)

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You were asleep in your hotel room when you heard Michael's sweet voice.
"This is y/n, and she just looks adorable when she's sleeping."
"Mikey, who are you talking to?" You opened your eyes to see Michael sitting next to you pointing a camera at you. "Michael, what are you doing?"
"Just testing out my new camera." One hand held the camera and the other stroked your hair. "Look at my baby, she's too lazy to get up," he teased.
"Why do you have to film me?" You hid under the covers.
"Get out of there. I want to see your bed head." Michael laughed.
"Asking for me to get up won't get me up."
"I didn't ask you, I told you."
"Fine, Applehead, whatever." You sat up and put your hands over your face.
"Why are you hiding, my queen?"
"Because I don't want to be on camera right now, my king!"
"You think I'm gonna sell this to a tabloid or something?"
Both of you burst out laughing.
"Alright, Mike," you said as you took the camera from him, " if I have to be on camera, you do, too." You focused the camera on Michael.
"No, I'm shy!" He hid his face like you had.
"You sure aren't shy when you make those short films."
"That's different. I'm prepared when I do that."
"Don't complain, at least you didn't wake up to a camera in your face!"
"I was just appreciating your beauty." Michael stopped covering his face to smile at you.
"This is the face of the cheesiest romantic on the planet," you giggled while zooming in on his face.
"Stop it, you!" Michael took the camera back and pointed it at you. "Something's weird here."
"I think you need to zoom out."
"Oh, yeah."
"Amateur," you mumbled.
"I heard that!" Michael started tickling your arm.
"Stop it, you punk!" You were laughing uncontrollably.
"I'm just trying to get footage of that beautiful smile."
"Why don't you go outside and film the beauty of nature?"
Michael shook his head. "Not beautiful enough."
"Stop it, you." You stuck your tongue out at him.
"You know I can't take you seriously when you make faces like that."
"Maybe this will make you take me seriously!" You threw a pillow at him.
"Oh, really?" Michael threw the pillow back at you, and the situation escalated to a pillow fight. After a few minutes of giggles and hitting each other with pillows, you both calmed down and started cuddling.
"Hey, Mike, is the camera still rolling?"
"Oh... yeah..." Michael blushed and stopped the recording.
"Wait, don't delete it. I want to watch it later."

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