Chapter one

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Running. Running that's all I remember. Why was I running? I was running from something. What was it? I turned too quick, I ran into it again. The Silent. I pulled out my sharpie and added another tally mark to add to my collection on my skin. I started running again, I turned around a corner and ran into the woman with the eye patch. I can't remember her name. Our heads collided, I felt an electric feeling in my head. Then I remembered. I remembered them.

They were everywhere. How am I remembering them? The Eye Patch woman was on the floor passed out. I tipped toed around her and tried to find and exit or even better my Vortex Manipulator. Then I could get to my safe house.

I don't remember where I went to find my VM, but I got there. It was in the contraband box along with the different blasters, swords, and other dangerous things. My VM was on top of a deactivated Cyberman head. It least I hope it was deactivated.

I grabbed it and tied it onto my wrist. It was out of batteries, of course. I knew where to go, but I wasn't sure if the Silents were at the door or not, I couldn't hear them. So maybe they-


Never mind.

I looked behind me. There it was. Just as I remembered. Oh my God what is happening! You're not supposed to remember the Silents. What was going on? It's probably the atmosphere. No, that doesn't make sense. I couldn't remember them before. Then I ran into that lady.

I ran past the Silent that stood behind me. It was aggravated but I didn't care. I had to get out of here. I had to see if I could make it. It's just me this time, no one is with me. Nothing else matters. If I die, no one will get hurt.  

I had to start thinking like the doctor, what would he do? What would his plan be? He would probably either be brilliant or improve his plan. I'm pretty sure the second one is my only option at this point. I ran past a few doors and tried to think of places and things I could to go to that would charge my VM. I can thank dad for that.

If you aren't aware, the Doctor is my father, kinda. He saved me as a child. It's hard and long to explain so I won't. Anyway! I found an old Vortex Manipulator in his TARDIS and it still worked, very well too. But the Doctor said, "Nope, I need to make sure we won't run into each other and ruin each other's fun." Yea, running into each other would ruin the fun. So now every now and again it needs a charge so I can travel. I can charge it by waiting about 10 or 12 years for it to charge on its own or I can get it near some electronic field, like phones, televisions, or giant weird looking electric poles that emits a powerful energy that powers the entire ship I would happen to be on.

That is what I found by the way.

I ran down the hallway and found the engine room where the two brilliant poles were emitting energy. Going near them would easily kill me. So I was going to charge my VM quickly and then get out of here.

The archway was big, there was about three or four Silents there waiting for me. So I grabbed my sonic pen out of my inside pocket and made a high pitched noise that would harm their hearing but not mine.


They wiggled and writhed in pain. They screamed really loud. I covered my ears to block out the sound. I jogged past them. They tried to grab me and kill me, but they were too far away. Either that or they were scared of me. Probably not.

I got to the electric bars and made the VM touch the pole, it was still on my wrist at this point. It charge successfully, only at the cost that it electrocuted me.

The electricity surged and burned every cell of my body. I could only wonder if Jack Harkness ever experienced this. I shouldn't be thinking about that while I'm dying but whatever. As soon as I let go of the pole I died, but quickly regenerated. The golden energy burned and renewed my body, but being half human I always look the same. Most of the time. 

I fell to the ground. I tried to steady my breathing and concentrated on the coordinates for my safe house. I pushed myself up, I was shaking. I looked around in a haze, Silents and guards were everywhere.

"Kill her," shouted the eye patch lady.

I finished putting in the coordinates and pressed the go button. Before I disappeared I heard the Silents shout a phrase that still haunts me to this day.

"The Traveler Must Fall!"

Those words echoed in my mind.

I landed in the front lawn of my current safe house. The Master's house. He probably didn't know I was here, I passed out on the front lawn it's not like I could have pressed the door bell or anything.

Although he might have seen me. I woke up in my bed with a note on my forehead saying 'Are you alright, Pardeth?'

I was safe, but that would only be temporary.

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