Chapter Two

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I sat up in bed and looked in the spruce mirror at the opposite end of the wall. There was still tally marks all over my face and arms. I decided I should probably wash them off.

I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I watered it and put some of my soap on it. I tried to scrub off the tally mark as best as I could. There was at least 50 on one arm. I stared into my blue eyes. 

"Why me? Why now," I asked my reflection, "Why do they want me dead?"

"Because you remember them," said a voice behind me.

"I know," I turned around, "I just don't understand why." What I really don't understand is how he knew what I was talking about.

It was Michael Saxon, or as many of you know he is The Master. For the sake of my sanity I call him Michael. He is currently my boyfriend. I know it seems silly and quite frankly weird. We do break up later, but he doesn't know that.

"Something scrambled with my memory and made me remember those - those things," I screamed. I was frustrated and scared.

Michael grabbed the towel from my hand and tried to help me clean off the marks. He had that crazy look in his eyes, again. Last time he had that look he had put a mama spider in the microwave. It exploded, and all her eggs too. You try cleaning that in the middle of the night.

"Even with these tally marks you still look beautiful," He flirted.

I was always told to smile through the pain. Though it did make me feel better.

"I can't just wander around town like this," I said with a playful fake pout.

"Oh but darling," he said grabbing my chin "you would turn peoples heads."

"Oh hush, you're distracting me," I said laughing. I grabbed his hand and took it off my chin, "I'm scared."

"I know," he replied. His tone changed from playful flirt to concerned boyfriend, "Is there anything I can do? Do I need to destroy their race? It's very simple."

"I know," I said in an angry cold tone. I knew a little too well.

"Alright then, I'll be down stairs," Michael replied.

I stayed silent as he gave me back my rag. I felt bad for treating him badly, but I'm too stressed right now to think about that right now.

"By the way there was a break in," Michael shouted from the bottom of the stairs, "the walls down here are all torn!" I didn't like how peppy his tone was.

"What," I shouted back.

I dropped the towel and ran down the stairs. He was right, the walls were torn up. Some of the furniture was still turned over and ripped. Windows have been shattered and the door looked like someone took a blaster to the lock. I looked on one wall to my left, it had four words scratched into it, like someone took a pocket knife and dug it through the wall. 

It read 'The Traveler Must Fall'

"Yea, it's a bit morbid," Michael said as he came from the kitchen with a cup of tea.

"Oh no, now we can never sell the house," I joked.

"Funny, that's what the detective said," He laughed

"You didn't," I looked at him with disappointingly, "did he go through my stuff," I said trying to keep my cool. I don't trust police around my stuff. I have a lot of alien tech.

"Don't worry, he said he knew you," He smirked.

"Mike, who is it? I have met a few detectives in my life and there is only one I really trust," I said in a warning tone.

He stayed quiet, obviously toying with me.

"Who," I said more harshly.

"Sherlock Holmes."

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