Chapter Four

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What's a better way to avoid problems then run away from them? Hey, I don't want to die! So I'm gonna run away from my death, again.

The Silence or the Eye Patch Lady did some weird science with the phrase "The Traveler Must Fall" similar to the science the blank physic paper that the Doctor has. It says one thing but it's disguised as another word, or something like that. Okay so barely like the physic paper, but you kinda get the point.

I told Michael I was going to look for Sherlock and give him a piece of my mind. I'm sure he didn't believe me, he noticed that I had my traveling back pack with me.

In all honesty, I was going to  find a friend. Who was that friend you maybe asking? Well, I lived in the flat above her for a while. It was Clara Oswald. She's a really good friend, but I'm not sure if she remembers me or if she has met me yet.

I walked to the underground and used my galaxy limited edition oyster card to get in. I noticed there was no one around. Normally this place is packed.

"What the heck? Did the rapture happen," I asked myself out loud.

Then I heard a low growl behind me.

"Oh joy, what scary alien is behind me today? A Dalek? A Cyberman? Oh how about-," I turned and whipped out my sonic device, "A giant goblin!" 

I was correct. It was an 8ft red eyed Goblin. It was male so it wasn't going to be as aggressive, unless it's young is nearby. It seemed hungry, rush hour wasn't going to cut it for him. His grey skin was beautiful and gravel-like

"Okay, how about I get on the train and you go away," I said turning around.

He roared shaking the entire tunnel.

"Okay, I guess that's a no."

I did a back-flip and landed on his back and pulled it's horns to make it angry. Then it will want chase me and not any pedestrians. This was a smart idea, he grabbed me and threw me on the ground. The fall knocked the wind out of me, I tried to get back up, it was hard catching my breath. I eventually got up and ran out of the tunnel to try and get to the surface.

Once I got out of there I yelled for everyone to run away. I must have looked like a lunatic for a few seconds before the Gremlin got out of the underground breaking most of the stairs and doors.

A kid stood in the middle of the street. There's always that one kid that is paralyzed with fear so they don't move. I quickly ran to the child and picked them up, they were sobbing. I started to zigzag so the creature wouldn't catch up as easily, though it did do the thing where it goes into the ground like a mole, but let'snot think about that. I found the kids mom and quickly shoved the kid into her arms and told them to run.

I felt rumbling behind me, I lost my balance and fell. I closed my eyes bracing for the fall, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes, I was around the corner from Clara's apartment. 

"Oh Fantastic!" I said out loud and ran to the destination. 

If I was correct about this gremlin, it would be here in a few seconds. They can travel underground at incredible rates. Did I mention that?

I was almost to Clara's household, apartment, place, thing.

When I got there I got into the elevator er, lift, and pushed the level Clara was on. I was in a panic and this lift music wasn't helping, but it gave me time to think. What was I going to do when I got to Clara's? Hopefully get away from this alien and maybe just be cool and hang out. Hopefully.

I got to the floor and ran to the room number.

"Clara! Clara, let me in!" I was knocking vigorously, "Clara, Big, big scary monster, please Clara le-," She opened the door, "Thank you!" I slammed the door closed and peeked out the peep hole and tried to see where the alien was. 

It slowly walked on the floor, growling softly, it didn't seem to find me. Thank God. It was gone now.

I turned around and Clara was standing there with her big eyes in  scared and confused stance.

"Why- why are you here?" she asked crossing her arms

I just wanted to, you know, hang out," I started to walk to her living room, "but you know, people tend to find me and want to kill me."

"Yes, I'm sure we are both aware of that." said a deep voice, from the living room.

"Sherlock?" I found myself asking.

Surprisingly he hugged me tightly. This was very out of character for him.

"You're alive." He said in my hair.

"Yea, so are you." I said joking.

"Um," Clara awkwardly interrupted, "If you don't mind me asking, what the hell happened to you?"

"Well, it might take a little bit."

"I have all day."

So we sat and I told them what was happening, Sherlock noticed my hair cut and asked if I regenerated, of course. 

"So, you came here to avoid you problems."

"Pfft, No." there was a pause, "Okay, yea."

"But won't regenerate when you 'die'?" Clara asked.

"Ah, no. Not this time. These things, those people. They know how to properly kill a TimeLord, even if I am half human."

There was a long pause. Maybe I should have come.

"Hey, if you guys were in the middle of something I can lea-"

"No, actually Sherlock was looking for you." Clara said motioning to Sherlock who was giving her a look of 'Please don't say anything else'

"Really?" I said crossing my arms, which hurt immensely.

"Um, I just wanted to talk. It's not that important."

"I'll just go." said Clara, clearly she didn't know that Sherlock didn't want to talk, or she was doing it on purpose.

There was a very long pause between us, I did move to sit because I felt like I was going to faint. 

"Okay, so I'm sure the call probably just happened for you."

"The phone call? Yea, I made that just a few minuets ago."

"I figured and I just wanted to apologize for not helping you sooner." he said it so fast, I guess fro him it was like tearing an unnecessary band-aid. 

"Where is John?" a question I shouldn't have asked. 

"I'd rather not talk about that." Sherlock said in a pained tone.

"Oh, sorry." 

There was another long awkward pause.

"Hey, Mic?"


"I really don't want you to die."

"Yea," I put my head on his shoulder, "Me neither."

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