Chapter Five

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"Oww," I cried as Clara put on medication on my wounds.

"Oh hush, you're fine," she replied with a small laugh, "You're just as wimpy as the Doctor."

"Where do you think she got it from," Sherlock joked.

"Oh, ha ha he ha, ow."

"What was chasing you," Clara asked.

"A weird creature, like a goblin but it could travel underground like a mole. It didn't like me that much."

"Clearly," Sherlock stated, "Do you know why it was chasing you?"

"I was probably invading it's territory or something," I said, "or the fact that I pulled on it's horns instigating it."

"We should call the Doctor and tell him what's going on," asked Clara putting on the last bandage on my head. 

"Have you ever tried calling the Doctor, he won't answer," Sherlock stated over from the archway.

"Well, he'll answer me," Clara said walking over to him. Sherlock must have drove her crazy when he was here.

Clara dialed the Doctors number into her phone. It rang, rang, rang, and rang. No answer. 

"That's odd," Clara said sadly turning off her phone.

"Told you," Sherlock replied.

While they bickered I dialed the number discreetly. I held the phone to my ear and waited.

"Hello," said the doctor on the other end.

"Hey dad," Clara and Sherlock instantly stopped bickering and looked at me with a surprised look on their faces.

"Is everything alright?"

"There's a weird underground gremlin here on earth, who are you with?"

"Your grandparents, who are you with?"

"Sherlock and Oswin."

"I told you, Oswin was a dalek. Why are you there?"

"I was being chased and Oswin and I are friends so I decided to hang here for a lil' bit."


"Nothing, honest!"

"Rule one." The Doctor pushed.

"We always lie, but Doctor-," 

"No buts, once I find you you tell me what's up."

"Okay, we are in England, 2017. You should be able to track me from the tardis."

"Meet me at the nearest underground station," he said before he finally hung up.

"Why does it work for you," Clara asked angrily.

"We had a talk awhile back that whenever it's me calling he has to answers," I replied putting my phone in my pocket and walking towards the door.

"Oh well that's just great," Clara replied in an upset tone, "you know I told him the same thing."

"Different circumstances," I said simply, "anyway I'm going to the nearest underground station. You can join me if you want, I just need to know where to go."

They both fell silent. I left the flat and they followed.

We waited for the Doctor for at least 2 hours, and when he finally arrived I have never been happier to hear the Tardis.

"I got it right this time," The Doctor shouted to Rory and Amy.

"Hey, Dad," I shouted joyfully.

"Hey, kiddo," the Doctor replied pulling me in for a hug, "What is happening," he whispered in my hair. He wanted to know why I was running. I don't want to tell him.

"Later," I whispered back.

We all got acquainted with each other. Sherlock and the Doctor had a mini argument about him being 'dead' and all that. I can understand his anger, I was pretty upset when I heard, but it all was to protect John. Honestly, what doesn't Sherlock do to protect John?

"We'll finish this later. Now! Where is this alien?"

"Have you ever seen this alien before, Doctor," asked Rory.

"Of course, I have," The Doctor replied.

"So, no," Said Amy.

"So what are we going to do," Clara asked politely. She knows the Doctor but the Doctor doesn't know her. 

"Well, miss Oswin, we are going to try and trap it and talk to it and ask why it's here."

"That will be nearly impossible," Sherlock retorted, "Michaela barely escaped when she encountered the beast."

"Sherlock," I started, "I was alone and unprepared then, more people are here now and we will hopefully have a plan soon."

Sherlock grumbled under his breath, he doesn't like it when he is wrong.

"Now! Let stop standing around and arguing and get a plan started," The Doctor bellowed.

We swapped ideas and theories of how to get the alien. I tried to bring up a 'Why it was here' question. It was easily pushed aside.

My theory was that it was with child and had to find a place to give birth, since this is a rare alien to find I figured that it's home planet was destroyed or under a new ruler, it stumbled upon earth and now is protecting its eggs all Godzilla style. Alas, my idea was stricken down before I could even say it.

After a while we finally got a plan. Amy was paired up with Rory, Clara with Sherlock, and me left with the Doctor. He did this on purpose to see what I am hiding from him. Or he wants to spend time with me and this will go good to the plan. 

The Doctor and I walked into a nearby clothing shop to see of we can find a net like cloth.

"So, Traveler," The Doctor started, I already didn't like where this was going, he never calls me the Traveler unless I'm in trouble. "What is the haps."

"Good Lord, you just want me to tell you what I don't want to tell you," I said crossing my arms uncomfortably.

"I- well, yes," he stammered, "I just want to protect you, if you didn't tell me over the phone then it must be important," he put his hands on my shoulders, I pulled away.

"You know I hate being protected."

"I know, I know. Please, I'm your dad, sorta, I want to help you."

I understood his reasons. I'm his sorta kid. He's already lost so many people in his life. He doesn't want to lose another. I can take care of myself, but I might need help. He is the master of running away from problems.

"Doctor, I- I'm gonna-," I tried to say.

I was immediately cut off by a extremely loud roar and then a woman screaming. The Doctor and I looked at each other smiled and ran towards the problem.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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