Chapter three

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I decided to go for a walk. Of course Sherlock would do this to me. I told him to forget about me and to pretend I never existed. But no, he had to pick this case. The one case about me. The one case I some how got myself into. Only if Michael hadn't gotten Sherlock. How does he even know Sherlock?

Sorry. Anyway, while I was walking I was trying to think of something to keep the Silents away from me. I know that Silents have poor eyesight and probably won't reconsider the smallest detail. It would be like if I put on my glasses they wouldn't know it was me. Though I put on my glasses often so they might have record of that. I am going to get a hair cut.

I like my hair long, gives me ore options of hairstyles. Getting it cut short is a big deal for me.

I walked into the hair dresser and I requested the best person I knew to do my hair.

"Hi, is Ruthie here today?"

"Um yea, she's in the back," the woman said in a bored tone.

"I would like her to cut my hair," I said kindly.

"Okay hold on."

I turned around and sat in one of the chairs. I picked up a magazine on the tables next to me. I read and tapped my foot, it took a couple minuets. I smelled Chinese food, so I assumed they were eating.

Finally she came out after 5 minuets. Over the years as a time traveler my patience wore thin. When you are a time traveler you get used to just going to any time you want to. Of course, not for me as much. Small bursts don't harm the battery. I left my VM at home.

"Hi! I'm Ruthie, I will be cutting you hair," she said in a friendly tone, "please follow me to the sink."

I followed to the sink, God I couldn't wait til my invention of a cushion on the sink were your neck goes come around in a few years. It killed my neck.

"So, how are things," she asked. Great, hairdresser gossip.

"Good, just came back from a trip."

"Ooh were'd you go," she asked in a preppy school girl voice.

"Um, you know, out there, here. Everywhere."

"Oh, a business trip, eh," she smiled

"Sure, kinda."

She walked me towards the pump chair. And she put the rob on me and started cutting.

"How short?"

"Just below the jaw."

"Oh wow, big change."

"Yup," I replied simply.

After a little I had my new  short hair. I didn't want her to blow out my hair so it could just curl up naturally.

"Your total is £28," she said with a kind smile.

Now kiddos, DO NOT DO THIS!  What I do here is bad.

"Ah," I checked my pockets for nothing, "you know what! I left my wallet in my car. Might I go get it," I asked trying to act cool.

"Of course, just come back," she said with a wink.

As I walked out the door, I heard the register click and ding. That might've been the jarring loud door bell in my ear. I walked calmly out of view, as soon I was out of sight I ran home as fast as I could.

I walked through the door of the house trying to act calm, like I just didn't just cut and dash.

I took a deep breath and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I opened my laptop to see if there was any dangerous activity around us in all timelines. Michael walked in the living room to greet me, his hair a mess and his eyes flashed a crazy look, as per usual.

"Whoa, what happened to you," he asked.

"I did not regenerate with shorter hair, I got a hair cut," I said simply.

"Oh, well," he frowned, "that's boring," he walked away, "anyway there was someone on the phone for you," He finished.

"Okay, thanks love," I replied.

I picked up my phone and went to call back the number. Surprise surprise, it was Sherlock. I might as well explain all of this.

"Sherlock," I questioned the phone, "come on, I know you're there. Who else would have picked up the phone?" 

Sherlock Holmes is someone I think of as a friend, he most likely thinks of me as the annoying girl with two hearts. I want our friendship to be on both sides, but it I think there's only room for one in his mind. 

"Well then curly, whether you are there or not, I need you to say something," I started my voice shook with anger and fear, "I'm- I'm gonna die," Nothing on the other end, just silence. "I'm sure you have already figured that out. You and I both know the signs don't really say 'The Traveler Must Fall'" I paused again trying not to have a meltdown. "They say that I must die. They say 'The Traveler Must Die.'" 

I thought I heard John in the background pleading with Sherlock to say something. John Watson has always been kind to me in the past, he always defended and apologized for Sherlock's behavior. Even if it was really strange. 

"So if you care at all-," I stopped myself. Sherlock is a Sociopath, he has a hard time caring for anyone, unless you're John. "I gotta to go," I finally said before hanging up. I thought I heard someone grab the phone, but it was too late. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of the living room into the kitchen to get some water so I could calm down.

I had a feeling my death was coming and I'm not I'm ready.

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