We Can Try, Baby. 🤙🏾

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I looked down at Cheryl and she was still asleep. I went to the restroom and did my daily morning routine that I always do. I came back out of the restroom and kissed Cheryl on her forehead. She just moved a little and then turned the other way. I pulled the covers over her a little more so that she wouldn't be too cold. I then made my way downstairs and made my way over to the couch with my laptop. I printed out a few things and paid some things here and there. "Good morning." Cheryl said as she came behind me and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful." I said as I threw my head back to look at her standing behind the couch. I smiled at her. "Hooooold on, where are you going this early?" I asked her. She just smiled and walked into the kitchen. I jumped up so fast and ran after her. I hugged her from behind and she started laughing. "Where is your fine ass going, woman?" I asked her as I smiled and held her waist. "Out..." she said as turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter. "Outttt where?" I said as I took one of her hands and kissed it. "Just to see Tamar." Cheryl said as she blushed at my sweet kisses. "Leaving your man." I said as I smiled at her. "I'll be back of course." Cheryl said as she tried to walk away. I blocked her way with both of my hand's on the counter. "Can I get a kiss before you leave?" I asked as I leaned in. She leaned in to kiss me but then she moved her head to kiss me on my cheek. "Oh no. I want a real kiss, Cheryl. I want to kiss those soft ass lips, baby girl." I said as I started whining a little. Cheryl then put her hand on my chin and gave me a kiss. "I love you and guess what?" I asked her as I licked my lips and smiled at her. "I love you more and what?" She said as she smiled and bit her lip. "How do you feel..." I asked her as I took a breath and held her waist. She raised her eyebrow. "Hmmm, How do you feel about going to Punta Cana with your husband? Just you and I for a few days. How about that, baby girl?" I asked her. Her mouth dropped. "Really? Baby, I would love to go! I need a real vacation like that. I'm tired of just coming home and chilling here." She said as she smiled and gave me a hug. "I knew that you were tired of just having a regular break from your play rehearsals. I just wanted to do something that I knew would make you very happy. I already have everything planned out. I have the room, the tickets and everything sorted out. You have absolutely nothing to do, except pack and be ready tomorrow morning." I said as I kissed her. "You're so sweet. Thank you so much, baby." She said as she smiled. "Anything for my wife. I just didn't like seeing you so stressed out. If my wife is stressed out all the time- that must mean that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing as a husband. I'm here for you, you hear me?" I said to Cheryl. "I hear you." She said as she held my hand. "Now, go ahead and have fun with Tamar. I'm going to head to the gym." I said as I kissed her again. "Okay, baby. I'll see you later." Cheryl said as she headed towards the door and left. I then went upstairs to get dressed to go to the gym. I then hurried and ate a quick healthy breakfast and ran out the door. I then drove to the gym and started lifting some weights just to start off. I put my ear phones in just to get in the mood to complete this workout today. "Hey...Shemar." A friend of mines said. I looked back at the person. "Hey. I haven't seen you in a while." I said as I crossed my arms. "Ha. Yeah man. Work. What about you?" He asked me as he picked up a weight and stood next to me. "A lot! I got my baby girl Cheryl, Work and just trying to make everything better." I said. "Oh, yeah! How is Cheryl?" He asked me. "She's doing pretty well." I said as I smiled. I always smiled when I talked about Cheryl because she's just the love of my life. "I bet you're spoiling that woman." He said as he looked at me. "You know it. I can't help but to spoil her." I said as I laughed.


"Girrrrllll, Punta Cana?" Tamar asked me as she poured me some wine. "Yes! The Dominican Republic!" I said as I smiled very hard. "I need me a vacation like that, Cheryl. Ask Shemar if he can throw me into the trip?" Tamar asked. "Tamar..." I said. "Come on, sis! You won't see me at all. Imma be out.....in my bathing suit, drinking out of a coconut and watching some sexy ass men getting into the pool." Tamar said as she smiled. "Nah, you're gonna be watching them dip into YOUR pool. No Tamar. I need this time with my husband. We need this and maybe it will make everything better." I said calmly. "I know, Cheryl. That man knows how to take care of you." Tamar said as she touched my shoulder. I shook my head and agreed. "I knew that he didn't get that tramp pregnant. Shemar would never hurt you like that. I know for a fact that he would break down if he ever hurt you in any type of way. He loves you so much. Both of you have me over here trying to be somebody's wifey." Tamar said as she laughed. "Ha! Yeah....you need a man." I said as I looked at her from the side of my eye. She hit my arm. "Shut up! I know that." Tamar said as she laughed. "But fr. You should have known that something was up the minute she came to your doorstep. People just like to use people and it's really sad." Tamar said as she became serious. "I know Tamar. It's just how he said her name and looked at her when he opened the door. I automatically knew that he knew this person. I'm not sure Tamar but if you were in my shoes...you would be everywhere, thinking everything. So, I left." I said as I looked at her. "And that's another thing. Stop leaving that man. What is leaving and going to your Momma's house going to help? Yeah, you get a chance to let off some steam but it's still not helping the situation. That man needs you and he needs to talk to you when stuff goes down. Every time something happens- you run to your Ma. Stop doing that to him, Cheryl. Talk it out. 5 years of marriage and you should already have that down packed." Tamar said as she touched my hand. "You're exactly right, Tamar. I guess that I was just so upset that I couldn't control my actions. I was about to hurt his feelings because I was so upset. So I said, let me go before I really do say something that I regret. I mean, we all do it when we are upset but I would never want to do that to him. Even when I'm upset with him- I never want to hurt his feelings. Sometimes I care about his feelings more than I care about my own." I said as I played with my hands. "I know. You guys got this!" Tamar said as she smiled. "Thank you, Tamar." I said as I smiled and stood up. "Now, give me a hug." Tamar said as she stood up and held her arms out. I gave her a hug and then she walked me over towards the door. "Love you, sis. Have fun but don't have too much fun without me." Tamar said. I laughed. "I won't! I love you too." I said as I opened my car door. I drove home and as I drove up- I saw that Shemar was getting out of his car. I took the key out and Shemar opened the door for me. "Hey, Beautiful. I missed you." Shemar said as he closed the door behind me. "Hey....don't touch me." I said as I laughed. "I haven't even touched you yet. Why can't I touch you?" Shemar asked as he laughed and closed the front door behind us. "Because you just came from the gym. Take a shower, nigga." I said as I laughed. "Fineeee, with your fine ass.  Damn, but can your husband at least get a kiss." Shemar said as he smiled at me. I kissed him. "Thank you. You wanna ummm, join me in the shower though?" Shemar said as he licked his lips. "Nope! I have to get my stuff together." I said as I looked at him. "Ok, baby girl. Let me go shower...I'll be back." Shemar said as he went upstairs. I remembered that Shemar didn't lock the door, so- I went back and locked it. "Hey....Baby?" Shemar said as he yelled downstairs. "Yes?" I yelled. "How is Tamar doing?" He asked me. "Uh, she's doing fine. She wanted to come but I said hell no." I said as I laughed. "Good that you said that. You and I need a real vacation together. Just us." Shemar said. "I know, baby. That's what I told her. Now, get your sweaty ass in the shower." I yelled as I laughed. "Ok. Dang." Shemar said. I just smiled because that man is just crazy. This vacation with him is exactly what we both need. Something to get our minds away from reality and just enjoy each other's calmness. Now, this....is the stress free vacation that I need.

Well, school starts back on Monday for me and that means that I won't be writing as much. Plus- I'm gonna have play rehearsals every single night. I will definitely make time for these books though 😍❤️🤞🏾

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