Prayers 📝

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             SHEMAR's POINT OF VIEW

I woke up and looked over to find Cheryl not in bed for once. After last night, I didn't know what to do. All I could do was be there for her. Her dreams are starting to come back and it seems as if last nights dream felt very real. I've never seen her cry like that before to where she didn't even say anything. Maybe it was my fault because the night before I made her upset. I never like it when I let my wife go to sleep upset but last night I was just feeling selfish when It came to my feelings. I was so caught up in what happened that I didn't even do what I always do every night- hold her. Holding her gives her peace and I didn't do my job. Sometimes I fuck up but I just want her to be okay. Last night after I calmed her down at least a little bit, she just laid her head on my chest. For about 2 hours that I'm aware of she stayed up and didn't even go back to sleep. I tried to stay up with her but my body was getting weak.

Maybe she's downstairs. I then slipped out of bed and went to go brush my teeth and other morning things. It was kinda cold, so I went to get me a shirt to put on before I went downstairs to check and see if Cheryl was here. I made my way downstairs with my shirt in my hand and looked around. I checked the kitchen and didn't see her in there. I then listened harder and I heard the tv in the living room. I then started to put my shirt on and made my way into the living room. I then stopped in my tracks to find Cheryl soundly asleep on the couch. I silently went over to turn off the tv trying not to wake her. I then squatted down next to her and admired how beautiful she is while she slept. I put my hand on her little baby bump and smiled. "Daddy is gonna take care of the both of you, I promise you that with all of my heart." I whispered. Cheryl then woke up and put her hand over my hand that was over her stomach. "You okay, beautiful?" I asked her as I looked at her. She nodded her head and looked down at both of our hands together on-top of each other. "I apologize for not being at the appointment. I needed to be there and I should have kept my word when I said that you two would be my main focus." I said as I held her hand. "It's okay." She said as she then closed her eyes. "Did you go back to sleep last night?" I asked her calmly. "No, I just stayed up and then came down here when the sun came up. I didn't mean to go to sleep but I did." She said softly. "I know that you don't want to have those dreams again but you need to sleep." I said concerned. "I know and I'm going to try to get some rest." She said as she sat up and put her hand on her head because she was tired. I then stood up and sat next to her. "Do you want to tell me about the dream?" I said as I waited for her response. She looked over at me and then she looked away. "I-......You know what happened." She said. "You lost the baby again?" I asked her. "Yes." She said as she looked at me. "It was just a dream, beautiful. I don't like seeing you sad about this dream." I said as I turned towards her. "It's not that, Shemar. It's reliving that moment again and again. Then, it adds even more nervousness because I don't want it to happen again. When it comes to this....things never go right, never." She said as she started to get a little sad. "The pregnancy is going great. Everything is going right." I added. "I know but...." she said. "But what?" I asked her. "If it happened again.....I would be miserable forever." She said. "It's not going to happen again. I'm telling you this. In one in a half months you would past the same date that it happened. You're healthy and on the right track." I said as I touched her belly. "Okay." She said as she looked at me nervously. "Now, come on- you need some rest." I said as I picked her up. She hugged me and laid her head on me as I took her upstairs. As we got upstairs, I kicked the door open and softly laid her on the bed. I helped her pull the covers over herself and I jumped in bed next to her. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. "No, I ate earlier." She said in a sleepy voice. "Alright, beautiful. I know you're sleepy. Come on, let's pray before you go to sleep." I said as I held her hands. She nodded and sat up with me- we both then closed our eyes. "Father God as my wife and I come to you, we just want to pray for sweet sleep. You promised to bring a layer of peace over the ones who love and have faith in you when we close our eyes. You are above and in control of every and all things. We all might get frustrated and confused on the path that we on or the things that we encounter in life. Help us to trust in you when it comes to this pregnancy. We know that Cheryl and the baby is covered and in good health. We are blessed to have this gift that you have given us even when we both were at a point of wanting to give up. Thank you for blessing us again and we will continue to do everything possible to have a complete and healthy pregnancy. It's all in your hands, God. You. You and you. You're the only one who can bring us peace. Most of all, bring Cheryl peace. Peace of knowing that you are here and that you are definitely aware of her feelings about all of this. In Jesus name we pray, amen." I said as I opened my eyes and looked up towards her. "Amen." She said as she smiled. I then gave her a kiss and afterwards, I looked into her eyes. "It's gonna be okay baby, I promise." I said as I smiled at her. "It will be." She said. "Rest, beautiful." I said as I helped her lay down and get back comfortable. She then closed her eyes and I got out of the bed. I then walked over towards the door and closed it behind me. I took a deep breath as I closed the door all the way. Only because I was hoping and praying that there will be no more dreams.

~ Short one! Day One 👑 OCTOBER 18th is coming soooon! ✨👸🏽 #momsbirthday ❤️😍 ANYWAYS- STAR/ a sistah out.

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