3 Months Later

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                      3 MONTHS LATER


"Shemar, are you coming with me to this doctors appointment tomorrow?" I asked him as I sat next to him on the bed. "You have a doctors appointment tomorrow?" He asked me. "Yes.....did you forget?" I asked him. "No.....no?" He said. "You forgot. Well, are you?" I asked him as I grabbed his hand. "Baby, I'm going to try to make it. I've been to all of them and if I miss this one- it wouldn't be that bad. You're gonna get good feedback anyways." He said. "I know but I want you to be at every single one of these doctor appointments, baby." I said as I stopped him from looking down at the computer. "Baby girl, I'm going to try my best to make it tomorrow, okay? No promises that I'll be there though." He said. "Okay...." I said as I sighed and stood up to go back upstairs.


"Okay, everything is looking well. How have you been feeling?" The doctor asked me. "Pretty good. Morning sickness is really trying to get to me but I'll be fine." I said as I smiled a small smile. "It's normal. I'm just happy that everything is going exactly how it should. 3 months." She said as she smiled at me. "Right." I said as I smiled back. "Oh yeah, where's Shemar? He's been at every single appointment but he missed this one?" She asked me. "Yeah, he did. I guess he had some work to get done." I said as I nodded my head. "Awww, Anyways- let him know that the baby is doing fine and is very healthy." She said. "Thank you." I said as I shook her hand. "You're very welcome. Keep doing what you're doing. This one is very strong and healthy." She added. "That makes me happy." I said as I looked at her. "Okay, Bye now." She said as she opened the door. "Wait....I have a question." I said. "Yes ma'am?" She said as she closed the door. "I don't know how to say this but......this pregnancy feels just like my last one. In the beginning everything was going well as well. Plus, it's almost around that same time when....you know." I said as I looked nervous. "Around that Same exact time when lost the first baby. I know. That's why you have extra appointments so that we can see and make sure that everything is on track. We see you every 2 weeks and that's pretty good when it comes to watching how the baby is growing." She said. "I'm just...nervous." I said. "Don't be nervous. Everything is very well on track." She said as she touched my belly. I took a deep breath. "Gotcha." I said. "TUm k? I'll see you in 2 weeks. You have my number, right?" She asked me. "On speed dial." I said. "Good. Have a great day, Cheryl." She said as she left out.

             BACK AT HOME- 5:00 p.m

I arrived home but Shemar wasn't there yet. I went into the house and put my things down. I then went into the kitchen to fix me something to eat. I couldn't eat many things that I would like to eat but if it was something healthy- it's good. The doctor told me to keep doing what I'm doing and changing my eating ways is something that I've been doing. I did kinda feel a certain way about Shemar not being there today because he's always been there by my side at every appointment. He knows how much this is worrying me and how scared I am about all of this. I understand that he has things to do but- I needed him today.

"Hey, beautiful." Shemar says as he comes in the house and puts his things down. "Hey." I said as I didn't look at him. Instead I continued to eat my food and put some things back into the refrigerator. I then stood at the kitchen counter as I ordered some things for Asia's wedding that's in literally two days. This stuff has me stressed out but I'm almost done. How much I'm getting paid, all my time working on this wedding would definitely be worth it. Asia and I have actually grew as really close friends. Spending so much time with her and Tamar- we all just got really close. "How is my beautiful wife doing?" He asked me as he kissed me on the cheek and put his hand on my waist. "Fine." I said. "That's great, baby girl. I'll be back, I gotta go put something upstairs. Then, when I come back- you can tell me everything that the doctor said." He said as he looked at me and took off his suit jacket. "Alright." I said as I watched him go upstairs. I then got a call. I looked down to see who it was and.....it was Tony. I didn't even answer it, I just pushed my phone to the side. "Alright, beautiful. Now, tell me what happened today." He said as he came down the stairs. "She just said that the baby is healthy." I said as I looked at him. "That's all that was said?...." He asked me. "I mean, what else do you think that she would say?" I asked him. "I don't know. You haven't seen her in two weeks. Did she say that what you're doing is going good?" He asked me. "Yes, Shemar. Maybe if you would have been there....you would know." I said. "Cheryl, don't do that. I had to go and take care of some things." He said as he put his hands on the counter. "I know but you could have at least called to let me know that you wouldn't be able to make it today. That's the least you could have done instead of letting me wonder and wait to see." I said. "Cheryl, I've been to every single one. I just missed one." He said. "What business did you have to take care of?" I asked him. ".......I had an interview and then one of my friends needed me to help him out with something." He said. "Oh, I see. A simple interview that you could easily change to another day and a moment with a friend is more important than going with your wife to see how our baby is doing?" I asked him. "No, don't think that." Shemar said as he started to look regretful. "That's exactly what I think. You know how worried I am about this and you know that these appointments are important." I said. "Look, I tried. I tried but I couldn't come to this one. You even said that the baby is fine and I'm blessed that that's the information that you received." He said. I was just silent and I just shook my head and got on my phone. "Really?" He asked me. "Yes, really." I said as I continued to look down at my phone. "We're having a conversation and you're just gonna jump on your phone?" He asked me. "Yep. You showed me that I wasn't important earlier and now I'm showing you that what shit you're saying right now....isn't important to me as well." I said. "Why do you always make things difficult? All that matters is that the baby and you are healthy." Shemar said in an upset tone. "You aren't getting it. The point of this conversation is that- I needed you and you didn't come to support me when it came to something very important. Instead, you did a interview that you could have EASILY changed to maybe later in the day or another day. Then, you helped out a friend that could have also waited." I said as I raised my voice. "Alright. I was wrong and I should have been there. I should have been there.....okay? I apologize. Is that what you want me to say? Hm?" He asked me. I just looked at him and didn't say anything. "So, you're just not gonna say anything?" He asked me. I remained silent. "Alright. I'm going to bed, I guess." He said as he then went upstairs.

As Shemar left to go upstairs and go to sleep, I didn't know how to feel. Was I wrong for being upset? I know that he also has things to do but he said in the beginning that he was going to be there. I'm an independent ass woman but I expect my husband to be by my side when it comes to things like this. He knows the risk and that makes me upset. I finished ordering a few things for the wedding and it should arrive tomorrow, hopefully. I then closed the computer and made my way upstairs to take a shower. After my shower, I got in bed. Shemar just looked at me as I laid down. "Why are you just starring at me?" I asked him. He just sighed and turned around to go to sleep. I then turned around as well and went to sleep.


I woke up and looked around the room. I never liked staying upset with Shemar for that long period of time. I turned over towards him and shook his arm. "Baby, get up." I said. He moved a little bit. "Shemar, wake up. I need to talk to you." I said. He then woke up and turned around towards me. "What's up, baby girl?" He asked me. "I don't like being upset with you for a long time. I was just so sensitive about you not coming to the appointment." I said as I looked at him. "No, I should have been there. I showed you that you weren't important and that wasn't right." He said. "It's ok, baby." I said as I sat up in bed. As I sat up in bed- my body started to feel weird. I clutched my stomach and made a face that showed that I was in a lot of pain. "What's wrong?!" Shemar asked me. "I don't know, I don't know." I said as I pulled back the covers to try to get out of bed. I then screamed and started crying because there was blood everywhere. "Oh shit, oh shit....." Shemar said as he just continued to stare at the blood and started to breathe really hard. "Don't just stare, do something and help me!" I said as I started to remember that this is the same thing that happened last time. It happened again......

                         (Keep scrolling)

*END OF DREAM* (The dream started at         *THE NEXT MORNING*)

It was 3:00 a.m

I woke up out of my dream and I automatically started to cry. I felt around the bed to check for blood and I checked my stomach. "Cheryl! Calm down. What's wrong?!" Shemar asked me as he turned around quickly. I just couldn't stop crying because the dream felt so real. "What baby?!" He asked me. I just put my hand over my stomach and put my face in his chest. Shemar sighed because he knew that I had another dream about the baby. He held me close to his chest and tried to calm me down. "The baby is fine, Cheryl. It's ok." Shemar said as he held me even tighter. I continued to cry and my heart was beating really fast. So many things were going through my mind and it just made me even more scared about this pregnancy. My feelings were everywhere and I didn't know how to control them after the dream. Just going through that feeling again triggered all of the same emotions that I had that day. That day continues to haunt me and I think that it will forever. "Baby, you need to stop crying and calm down. It was just a dream....just a dream. Everything is fine and I'm right here with you." Shemar said as he kissed my forehead.
I guess the dreams are back.....

- I mean, I had to play with you guys' mind at least once. On the bright side- the baby is fine. 💀    STAR/ VOTE PLEASE  💓☺️ And thank you to those who have actually been voting 🤙🏾

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