~•{Something Special}•~

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Hello everyone! It's me, the author! I've come with a special thingy to tell you all!

So, I've been lacking some motivation and ideas lately to keep this story going. Now I'm definitely gonna keep writing so don't worry. I just wanted to do something fun.

So how would you guys feel about speaking/asking questions to the cast of "Something More"? If you are interested in participating, go ahead and ask a question to any member of the cast that's shown up so far!

(Honestly, this is just something for fun and a little break from writing. I'm still trying to work on the next chapter though so don't worry. Ask as many questions as you want)

"What?! We get to talk to the creators now? That's awesome!" Inks eyes sparkle with excitement, but that fades quickly as he grips his non-existent stomach and vomits black ink. "Aww geez Ink. Are you okay?" Error asks with slight concern but steps away from the large puddle of ink that was just made. Fresh just bursts out laughing, his glasses read 'LOL'. Nightmare and Cross just watch the others mayhem. Cross was trying to suppress a giggle while Nightmare face palmed himself "We're working with idiots..."

Little old Blue was currently rubbing Inks back, trying to comfort his over-excited friend as Sans and Papyrus stood with Toriel and Frisk watching from a few feet away. "Heh, this group sure is fun" Frisk nodded in agreement "It's like a big Sans party!" Toriel smiled and rubbed the child's head "Well next time there is an event like this, I will be sure to bake enough pies to...put some meat on everyone's bones!" Papyrus let out an unholy screech hearing that pun while Frisk and Sans were dying of laughter. The whole gang is now here.

~The Cast Is Now Ready For Your Questions~

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