Part 6

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Mal P.O.V : We wait until 1:55. Fransis suddenly appear, laughing. He says : 

- Well, well. Thought that you are going to hide. Ready for a face - to - face fight ?

- Sure does, says Jay, but ... what do you mean by face - to - face ?

- He means that one of us have to fight him. One to one, that's what he mean.

Evie's mouth drops. Luckily she's fast enough to hide it behind her hands. The boys look like their going to fight to find out who is going to fight. And I was right. Jay is shouting, so does Carlos. I need to cast a spell on them. I open the book and cast a spell :

- Shouting and hitting, knock 'hen over 'till they stop !

Suddenly Carlos falls down and Jay knocked out. I say :

- I'm going to fight him.

How will Mal fight Fransis ? Check out the next chapter !

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