Part 23

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Evie P.O.V : We're here ! But ... There's no sign of Jay or that someone. Mal looks around.

- It's looks like we are in a trap. Don't worry. I brought a Trap Finder.

- Wait a minute, Mal. It's it mine ?

- Yes. So how do you think ? I made it ?

- But I saw one in my room !

- I used the copy machine. It's so easy to fool you.

- Stop, guys. I hear the stomping sound !

- Me too !

- Jay !

Carlos runs forward Jay. He's not alone, of course. Harrison is so handsome ! Mal's says :

- Give me back my friend !

- Not so fast ! Give me the thing my dad wants !

- Oh yeah ? So how do we know that you won't hurt him ? - Carlos shouts.

- You will hand me the Bolt, then I will give you Jay.

I look at Mal. She's doesn't wants to lose him. So do I. And Carlos, too. But it's hard to trust a VK. Mostly a guy.

Are they going to rescue Jay ? Of course ! But ... what if they won't ?

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