Part 13

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Mal P.O.V : I'm going to put this spell in a cookie like I did with the love spell. I cook the batter and read the spell. When I am going to take the ingredients for the mixture, Carlos, Jay and Evie rush in. Jay says :

- Evie told us you're gonna curse Ben. Let us help. I don't want to say this, but in this case, Ben is a jerk. He didn't ask his current girlfriend first, but he asked the old one.

- Mal, we're been trough lots together, not stopping that now. Right, Eve ?

- Sure, Carlos. M, and we help ?

I smile 'cause I'm so happy that I've got and having some friends like them. I nod. I say :

- Thanks, guys. You should sorry because of breaking my heart. Okay. Jay, help me take some eggs and flour, no no no ! Baking flour ! That's right. Evie, chocolate ? Carlos, help me with this mixture.

Carlos comes and puts his hand on mine on the spoon. When his hands touches mine, it's so warm. I look up and see his eyes. How beautiful it is. The brown color make me think about the woods, where Ben and I had our first date. Evie pulls me back to the time with a sneeze. I look back at Carlos, he's dreaming, too. We continue our job. At 7: 00, we done with the mixture. I read the spell :

- Beware, for swear, turn this person to a jerk !

We all laugh in the wicked way, make me think about the past. Tomorrow I'll give this cookie to Benny - Boo and turn him to a jerk.

How will the spell works ? Make sure to look forward to the next chapter !

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