Part 24

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Mal POV : This guy is driving me crazy ! He wants the Bolt, sure. But ... I look at him and I see that he has something nice inside. So ...

- Hey, Harrison !

- What ? Gimme the Bolt, then we'll talk.

I roll my eyes and say :

- Fine.

When Harrison already got his hands on the Bolt, he pushed Jay back to us. Carlos screams and hugs him ( gross ). Jay jumps out and says :

- Dude ! What's wrong with you ? - to Carlos. And to me and Evie ...

- Is he mad ? Should I punch him ?

Looks to me that Harrison doesn't care about us. He asks :

- Are you VKs ?

- ... Yes. - says Eve.

- Kids of who ?

- The purple haired girl is the daughter of Maleficent, I'm the daughter of the Evil Queen. The guy dressed like a dalmatian is Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil. And the boy who just kidnapped is Jay, son of Jafar.

- I heard about you. You went to Auradon 2 years ago. How did you get there ?

- The prince invited us. He says that anyone, even VKs, should have a chance.

I think Harrison wants to talk, but it's sun rise. We should go back.

- We should go back.

- Good. I'll find you guys.

I hope he won't ...

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