Part 11

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Mal P.O.V : At the party, I open the box Carlos gave me. It is a wonderful pair of gloves. I put it on. Now I suddenly notice that Carlos is disappeared. I walk around the room and find him standing at the chocolate fountain with a bowl full of strawberries. He says :

- Oh, hi there. I'm taking the strawberries for you.

- Thanks.

I take the bowl from Carlos's hands. I'm walking around the room when I see Ben dancing with Audrey. I come back with Carlos.

Carlos P.O.V : Mal is coming. Uh oh. Her eyes are glowing green. It's only happen when she's gets really, really angry. I ask her :

- Hey, are everything okay ? Your eyes are glowing, Mal.

Mal P.O.V : Until Carlos tells me, I didn't reconize that my eyes are glowing. I answer him :

- Nah, nothing. Wanna dance, Carlos ?

I take his hands and pull him to the dance floor. I put my hand on his shoulder and place his hands on my waist. I need to make Ben jealous. I pull Carlos close and kiss him.

Carlos P.O.V : I can't belive that I'm kissing Mal. Her lips are warm and sweet like strawberries. Finally she drags me out and says :

- There's nothing in that kiss. I just want to make Ben jealous, got it ?

- Sure does.

I say but don't thing the same. Her lips touched mine so gentally  and loveful.

Mal P.O.V : I say that there's nothing in the kiss, but don't think the same. I felt the love when his lips touched mine.

Is is good ? Let me know in the coments !

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