the 7 and Nico meet Avengers and friends

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Nico and Bucky bond over being emo to the extremo

Annabeth and Bruce bond over being smarter than everybody

Hazel and Nico both become best friends with Bucky and Steve and make horrible 40s jokes and talk about 40s culture and its awful

Hazel amazes Thor by being worthy of lifting Mjolnir

Percy joins team Iron Man and Jason joins team Cap

Sam and Jason become flying buddies

Frank and Clint=archery friends

Leo and Pietro bond over being super hyper all the time

Annabeth sees Thor and instantly calls Magnus to get over there pronto

Magnus somehow manages to get a crush on Loki I swear to the gods Magnus stop

Magnus can't pick up Mjolnir

Piper and Tony talk about growing up with rich dads

Annabeth and Natasha spar to see who's better. Natasha wins but its close

Peter is like "these people are my age I like them i am keeping them they are my friends"

Thor smuggles Hazel back to Asgard and Magnus smuggles himself in with them

Frank and Nico team up to destroy Thor when they find out

Summary: Thor made a mistake and Hazel is worthy

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