Chapter Ten

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Alex's P.O.V

  Tonight was Andy's party. I wanted to go, but I had the History Benchmark. I need to study and not fail. I wanted to prepare for college since I'm in High School. I want to bring my grades up and not care about relationships right now-even though I'm kind of in love with Jessie. Is it wrong to fall in love with your best friend? I don't think so or maybe it is.

  I've witnessed Andy always having his arms around Jessie like she's his girlfriend. That wasn't like him when we were younger. He'd push her around like playfully and give her flowers from meadows, but now he's acting flirtatious. He changed completely.

  I was on my bed, a history book opened in front of me revealing the Civil War. Papers were scattered on my bed prepared to be written on. I sighed and face-palmed my face. "I.......can't do this. I'm gonna fail this test." I muttered to myself. I'm those nerdy boys that popular girls tease and don't love. I don't expect one popular girl to love me-like ever.

  I groaned and I tossed in my bed bored to death. I don't want to study, but I need to-to ace that Benchmark of History. My head throbbed of studying too much. I ran my hand through my hair and yawned. Should I go to Andy's party? Jessie will be there and so will Mark and of course Andy. He's obviously going to make Jessie his girlfriend because he kisses her on the cheek and wraps her in huge hugs and places his arms on her shoulders-makes me sick.

  Suddenly, I realized I will go to that party. I don't want Andy breaking her heart again.


  I saw flashing lights coming from Andy's backyard and music on blast. I heard laughter as I approached the backyard with my hands tucked inside the pockets of my jacket. I came closer to the backyard and suddenly I saw a girl running towards me, she grinned at me and pulled my arm. "Hey, Alex! Didn't know you'd come to Andy's party?!"

  I flashed a confused expression. Who's this girl? "Uhm, do I know you?" She tightened her grip on my arm and pulled me closer to her.

  "I'm Tanya, remember I have you for Science." she explained with a smile. I gave a weak smile and suddenly she pulled me inside Andy's house. I widened my eyes at the fact that Andy's house was pretty big. Luxury furniture and a diamond chandelier hanging in the living room. Tanya took me to the kitchen and gave me a drink in a plastic red cup. She grinned and continued to grab my arm. She expects me to drink? I'm not those teenagers who drink young. Then, she took off my glasses. Yes, I wear glasses. "You're very cute with glasses, but I want to see behind those frames." She tucked my glasses in my pocket. "You don't drink, do you?"

  I shook my head and Tanya chuckled and dragged me outside again. Finally I noticed Andy and Jessie sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet getting soaked in the blue water. Jessie was smiling and Andy gave her a kiss on her cheek. I suddenly realized that she seemed happy with him around. I can't take this away from her. I can't cut between them. Then, Mark came into the picture. He walked behind Andy and then he pushed him into the pool. Jessie got up quickly and started yelling at Mark. "Mark! What the hell was that?!" Mark glared at her.

  "Don't you see what going to happen next? He's gonna leave you for the girls around you! He'll break your heart again!" he yelled back. Suddenly Jessie's hand rose up and slapped Mark across the face. It probably left a red mark. Mark looked at the ground, trying to keep the anger stable that's consuming him. Jessie had tears trailing down her cheeks.

  "I can't believe you, Mark. I thought you were over all that." she said as people started surrounding them, including me. "Are you jealous or something?"

  Mark didn't answer. He kept his mouth shut, preventing words from coming out. All he did was stare at the ground. I saw his jaw tighten and his hands clenched. Andy rose up from the pool with an angry face. "Mark. Listen, buddy.......I know you hate me, but don't get jealous that Jessie and I hang out a lot." He clenched his fist and then swung his hand at Mark's jaw. Mark became groggy and he then he speared Andy back into the pool.

  "Mark! Andy!" Jessie exclaimed as people started yelling 'Fight! Fight!'. I saw thrashing in the water and finally Andy and Mark came up from underwater and they started punching each other aggressively. Mark gripped onto Andy's collar and punched his face repeatedly. Andy ducked on one punch and speared Mark underwater. I wanted to do something, but I love Jessie too. Us four used to be best friends, but as years passed we grew to hate each other. Suddenly, Andy and Mark came up again for air. The, I caught Jessie get into the pool to cut between them. She stood between the two and pushed them apart. "What's wrong with you guys?! Stop it! Stop fighting!" She yelled towards them. Andy was breathing heavily and his brown shaggy hair drenched. Mark had a bruise located on his jaw and his lip was bleeding. Andy's face was bruised more than Mark's and his lip was bleeding. Jessie's face was red with anger. " used to be best friends back at elementary school. What happened to all that?"

  Mark glared at Andy who wiped his mouth with his backhand. Jessie looked at Mark. "Mark. I can't forgive you for what you've done! I thought you were over it?"

  "I came here so he won't break your heart again. Like I said, he's going to leave you for one of the girls surrounding us right now" Mark said. Andy frowned at his response.

  "You always think that, Mark! Can't you see Jessie is different from the other girls I've been with!? Just get over it!" Andy yelled as he splashed water towards Mark. Jessie glared at Andy.

  "Listen both of you! I can never forgive you, Andy for fighting back. I thought you're better than that." Jessie replied.

  "Mark isn't the best friend I knew! I still remember he used to be awesome-but now look at him! He's jealous!" Andy answered. "I know you kissed her, Mark! Don't deny it!"

  That got my attention. So, Mark actually kissed Jessie? I can't believe it as well. I thought Mark got my back and this is what he does? "Mark? You did?" I said breaking the silence. Mark looked at me with a sorrow face.

  "Alex........I'm sorry. But, I love her too." he answered. Jessie pushed Mark and climbed up from the pool.

  "This isn't about love anymore, Mark! This is about trustworthiness! I trusted you, Alex, and Andy! You guys were my friends!" Jessie yelled as she ran out of the backyard towards the road. Andy widened her eyes and climbed up from the pool and ran after her.

  "Jessie! I'm sorry!" he yelled as water dripped leaving a trail. Mark rose up from the pool and ran after Jessie too.

  "Andy! Leave her alone already! She doesn't need you anymore!" Mark's voice faded as he ran after the two. I released Tanya's grasp around me and ran to catch up with the three.


  Andy continued to run after Jessie. He continued to yell her name. "Jessie!" Mark ran after them and he yelled Andy's name.

  "Andy! Leave her alone!" he yelled towards Andy's back. Andy didn't turn around to respond.

  "Mark! Andy! Guys!" I yelled as I tried to catch up with them. We reached the street where Jessie's house was. When Jessie was about to run across the road, lights filled the air and a honk of a truck. All I heard was a screech of tires and Andy's and Mark's voice yell "Jessie! Watch out!"

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