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8.30 am
" 2 coffees coming right up " I replied to Lorelai and Rory , I was getting into the swing of things again , here at Luke's . I like it here in stars hollow , I've always thought I'd hated it but it's got sort of a homey feel to it now . I don't think I want to live here though  , not forever anyways .

It was almost 9 so I was due to call my girlfriend Leah . We'd been dating almost a year now , and things are getting  serious . I really like her , I do .
We hardly fought , we get on pretty well  , it was perfect really . Sometimes I question it , whether we have enough chemistry or not . It felt a bit like we were still together for the sake of it . Everything was so exciting when we first got together . It was the first time I felt anything at all since Rory . It wasn't the same as Rory , but it was something and I hadn't felt in a while .

I really did care about Leah though , it might not sound it but I did care about her .

" Luke can you take over for a second , Im gonna call Leah "
" So things are going well between you two then " Luke asked
"Yeah i guess so , I'm still calling  her aren't I " I replied while wiping the counter , a habit you get into when you work in a diner .
" Go call her then , I'll take over here " he said taking the cloth off me .

I made my way upstairs and grabbed the phone off the old wooden desk . I failed Leah's number and she picked up almost instantly
"Hey babe " I said
"Hey ! What's up in Stars Hollow " ? Me and Leah both lived in Philadelphia , not together yet though .
"Things are good here , just like they always are , how's New York "
" It's amazing actually , I'm throwing this huge party tonight , all our friends our coming " She had one of those lives where she'd throw and attend posh party's and events all the time . Her family was rich , so she was too , she attended Harvard and is a doctor now . She's got everything really .
"Sounds fun " I said , not really meaning it , I wasn't big on events like that but she loved them so I went all the time .
" Yeah ! It will be , we'll miss you there though . So have you got anything fun planned tonight ?! "
"Well I'm catching up with a friend tonight , we're gonna get some drinks "
" Let me guess , Rory isn't it " I told Leah about Rory before we started dating and she'd always been okay with the idea of me seeing Rory around here in stars hollow . Leah was great like that .
"Yeah , your okay with that right ?"I asked nervously
" Of course ! Don't be silly !You guys are friends now it's fine , tell me how it goes . Listen I have to go but call me later ? "
"Yeah okay , see yeah " and she hung up .

I made my way downstairs to help Luke in the diner . I saw Rory and Lorelai were about to get up to leave so I went over to there table to catch Rory .
" We still on for tonight Rory " I asked and her face lit up as she turned around .
"Yeah I guess so , unless I get the flu and die I'll see you at 9 " she replied sarcastically
"I can't wait " I said , and it was the truth .
"You can't wait for me to get the flu and die ? That's not very gentlemanly " she replied putting on a sad face .
" You know what I meant " i laughed
" Bye Jess "
"Bye Rory " I said staring at her a little longer than I probably should .
Her and her mother linked arms and walked out the diner while talking using there usual back and forth banter .I couldn't wait for tonight .

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