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Rory looked stunning , as always . Her fake smile turned into a genuine one when I gave her the flowers that I had bought only an hour ago to give to her . I didn't want her to feel like things had to be weird between us , because they didn't .

Rory and I go back years now .. I remember when I first saw her , I knew we were supposed to be together , but I guess she didn't see it that way . Who can blame her though , I was a terrible boyfriend . I always forgot to call , I lied to her , I shouted at her for no reason .. I really was a terrible boyfriend .

But even though I definitely didn't win a medal for worlds best boyfriend .. my heart was always in the right place with Rory . I never set out to upset her , I just wanted her to be happy because I was in love with her . My heart was in the right place , but I guess my head just wasn't there yet .

But now I think my head has caught up to my heart . It took a while but I'm better now .. I am . I've got my life together , I've got a hold on those anger issues for the most part .. but I'm missing something .. someone . I'm just not sure my heart is in the right place anymore .

I take that back . I know My heart isn't in the right place , I know that now . I found out something .. something I don't want to think about or talk about .. for a while anyway . For tonight I was gonna push that out of my head . I was gonna enjoy myself .

We all sat down together at the table that was hardly big enough for all of us . I squished in between Rory and Luke and started piling the food onto my plate .

"Easy there " said Rory laughing under her breath .

"What ? " I playfully nudged her bare shoulder while smirking at her .

" Your plate , I didn't realise you were signing up for man vs food " she said while looking down at me and my full plate .

"And this is coming from the girl who eats more than humanely possible " I said staring at her while she had her thinking face on now , a face I knew all too well .

"Well maybe I do eat more than humanely possible , but I've gotta step down and give my crown to you Jess . If you keep going like this , along with desert , I think you can have my crown " she said putting her hands up in the air as if to surrender .

" So what your saying is if I finish my desert , I'm taking your crown ? " I said raising one eyebrow at her .

" That's what I'm saying " she said raising an eyebrow right back at me .

" Well I better get eating then , wouldn't wanna waste my chance at being a superhuman when it comes to food right ? " I said grinning at her and she grinned back .

"I'm sorry I can't help but here the conversation going on here , you really think you could beat me Jess , not a chance . The crown belongs to me , and it's made of pop tarts if you were wondering " said Lorelai stating her point pretty clearly .

" Got it " I said laughing . And we all tucked in to the delicious food Sookie had made .

It had been an hour or two and we were all having a great time . I haven't had this much fun in a while . Now that I think about it , that's pretty odd , I'm a 25 year old guy and the most fun I've had in ages is a dinner party at my ex girlfriends house with her and her  mother .

" Alright , I think we should all go out for drinks , what do you guys say ? " Lorelai said standing up .

"I think I'll pass , I'm just gonna chill out here for a while , I've gotta catch up on a couple episodes of gossip girl , Blairs gonna double cross serena tonight .. can't miss that " Rory said smiling at the thought of Blair double crossing Serena .

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