Hogwarts Express

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"Are you ok?" Fred asked when he walked into the room.
"Yeah." I said as I turned the pages of my book, The House of Hades, it is in the Percy Jackson series.
"What cha reading?" He asked as he sat next to me on the bed.
"Its a Percy Jackson book, why are you being nice? Wait, where's George?" I said/asked.
"How ya doing?" He said as he came into the room. These people scare me sometimes.
"I know we do, but you scare us more." They said in sync. I forgot we can read each others minds. Darn it.
"Thank you." I said sarcastically.
I only like it sometimes when I scare people. If they are in my family I don't really like it, like Fred and George.
"Let's go to dinner." Fred said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room as George walked next to us.
'I know you are really not OK.' He asked me mentally.
'True. I'm really not.'
'What's wrong?'
'Rachel Elizabeth Weasley, if you don't tell me, I will-'
'I DONT LIKE PEOPLE BEING SCARED OF ME!' Fred fell to the floor.
"Sorry Fred!" I walked towards him and tried to help him up but ended up making me fall next to him.
I groaned and said "That was unnecessary." He grinned cheekily at me as I glared at him. He helped me to my feet. We walked to the Kitchen, as George looked at us weirdly.

"You better?" Ron asked when we started eating. I shrugged and ate my food in silence.

The rest of the night was really awkward whenever I was in a room, so I stayed in me and Ginny's room.

"Okay, there must be somthing wrong. You aren't in Fred and George's room." Ginny said.

I shrugged, staying in my shut down mode. You see, along with me having Anger Issues, if I get mad or sad, really badly, I have these weird little shut-down's and I dont talk, eat, or really do anything except for reading. They last at least 4 days, and the longest I've ever had one is 3 weeks. I had to go to St. Mungos for it. I was really skinny and about to die. Literally.

Ginny sighed and left the room, probably to let mum know. We had 1 more week until it was time to go to Hogwarts, and I needed to get out of my shut-down. I really couldn't control it, it was like my body gets taken over.

I groaned as I lied down on my back, staring at the ceiling. After a few minutes a heard a knock on the door. Fred walked in and sat next to me on the bed.

"Are you ok?" He asked, looking at me.
I shrugged, still not talking.

He sighed and looked around the room awkwardly for a minute.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ginny came in and told us that mum said it was time for bed. After a bit, George came in and went to bed. Of course, me and them didn't really go to sleep, we were up all night talking (A/N that makes them sound like a bunch of girls 😂).


"RACHELL!!" I heard mum screech from downstairs. I groaned and shoved my face into my pillow after looking at the time: 10:30

"Crap." I mumbled, jumping up and throwing on my clothes for the day (top).
Fred ran into the room and grabbed my arm, dragging me downstairs along with my trunk. I huffed at him after we all packed into the car.  "Was that really necessary?"

He nodded. "Yep. It was very necessary."

I mimicked him, changing my hair and face to match his. "Hi. My name is Fred Weasley and I enjoy annoying my sister, Rachel." I said in a stupid voice.

"First, that was a very poor imitation of me, and second, was that necessary?"

"Yes it was."

He huffed and rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.


"Rachel!" I heard Ron yell as he ran into the compartment that Fred, George, and I were sitting in.

"Yes?" I asked smiling sweetly at him, attempting to act like I didn't notice his bright pink hair.

"I know this was you." He glared at me.

"Well, it could of been my dear sidekicks named Gred and Feorge." I stated.

"Umm" Fred started.
"We" George continued.
"Are not"
"And will never be"
"Your sidekicks." They finished together.

I huffed and said, "Anyway, Ron, it might wear off in an hour, or it could be a week. That was just my testing one."

Rom huffed and walked out of the compartment.

"What was that?" George asked.

"Well, it was a Pumpkin Pastie, but I made a few potions, and it turns your hair pink. It was originally made to turn your skin pink, but I think it works good enough making your hair pink."

They nodded, and eventually Hogwarts came.

A/N: Haiiii people, i'm active again. I recently changed my profile, majorly. Sooo yea. Imma try and update more, but let me know how this was!!

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