The Interview

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I walked up to a big glass door that opened itself. When I walked in there was a room with a big table so I suspected I should walk up there to ask what floor i'm on.

Let's just say I'm not that good at this job thing.

The lady has brownish blondish hair and sparkling green eyes. She told me I was on the third floor. She sounded like she hated this job.

So I went in the elevator and there was that calming music, I felt relaxed when I got off the elevator... There was a tall man with brown spiked hair, he was wearing a black suit with a white undershirt with a black tie. He seemed pretty fancy... I mean I'm not saying I'm not fancy myself... I can't lie I usually wear ripped jeans and a long sleeve with my favorite maroon sweat shirt. But today was different.

The man walked up to me and asked if I was Jase and I said yes and introduced myself.. Kind of awkwardly but whatever. He asked me a couple questions about my life and stuff like that, then came the important questions. Im not saying I was scared but I was nervous. This was my dream job so who wouldn't be nervous. He asked me if I really wanted this job, I told him how I've always wanted this job, I didn't want to seem needy but who cares.

An hour later the interview was over. I felt confident about it. I worried about it the rest of the day... The next day the same guy came to my door. I let him in of course. I offered a drink to him but he refused. He said he was just stopping in to tell me something... this is it. What I've been worried about for the past 16 or so hours.

He said I got the job!!

He said he liked me as said I'm perfect for the job! I was so exited! I mean who wouldn't be!

~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~

I went into work about 8:45 so I knew I wouldn't be late. It takes about 20-30 minutes to get there. I saw my boss and walked over to him.(I forgot to mention his name is Samuel Watson the owner of Bank of America)

I was wearing a black tux with a silver bow tie.

By the way bow ties are cool.

Ps. I love them

When I got to Samuel he introduced me to his best friend Alex. He was going to show me around the building and show me where my office was.

There was many sections of offices on each floor of the building. The beginners were on the top floor and the managers were on the bottom floor. Of course I started at the top. He showed me around and it was really fancy.

I had a big glass room with a table with my computer and printer, and all that good stuff on it. I had a projector for when I have meeting in my office which rarely happen but they keep it in there just in case.

It was cozy. I could get used to this. Samuel said I didn't have to work that day because one it was a Friday and two I was just getting to know the place. I needed time to get used to waking up at 7:00 to get ready. I normally wake up around 12:00 or so. So the rest of the day I worked on my apartment and finding a new house.

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